That would fit perfectly in my dash vertically! That wouldn't be too great for some features like videos and games and such... I'll have to make a pivoting system some how. I WANT!
Very Nice. That is impressive to be able to create something like that the day of launch. All i have is an ipad2 with no dash mine just seems lame!
now that's effing awesome! I heard in Europe you can have access to internet on your navigation, and in America of course, tint those front windows to hide it away.
Wow, thats F'in clean! Not the fiberglass crap that was shown with the first iPad. I want these guys to make a case now!
thats sick gotta nice to have huge dash to be able to fit that in. only thing i would do different is to mount it verticaly and so it would just sit like it would in dock but that might have some problems on its own