My last thread was about the bad burning plastic smell my car was making. I thought it was the brakes. Turns out theres a huge plastic bag melted on my exhaust pipes under my car haha. But now I have yet another problem with my car. Heres a video of the startup. The entire exhaust setup and engine are shaking upon idle. The exhaust smells and sounds horrible too. Help.. Pt1: YouTube - Wtf Help Pt1 Pt2: YouTube - Wtf Help Pt2 Thanks
Man, that sounds pretty bad in the second video. Any chance you might have got some bad gas or water in your gas. Try posing it up on or or another Mustang site. Maybe those guys would know. I'd do some basic trouble shooting with the engine too. Checking plug wires and etc.
Ironic that you mention that. I just went on a roadtrip to Bourbon St last weekend and I used a few different gas stations. I normally use premium gas because of the powergains with my chip but for the road trip I just swtiched to the lowest octane, as it's cheaper. Should I go sit somewhere with the car on for like an hour and let all the gas run out? As you can tell in the vid, I only have a little bit left so
Is that a service engine light that I see? If it is a service engine light that i am seeing then start there. Could be something as simple as a vacuum line or a bad temp sensor causing it to run rich. Its really hard to say without being there. Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
That's why I'm switching to a Chevy for my next car haha Yeah I've never cared for my engine bay. My car is trashed right now though. Haven't had time for an ONR
MY thinking: -Check exhaust gaskets as there sounds like there's a leak. -Check cats if you have them. -Go back to higher octane gas. -Check plugs. -Check O2 sensor as you have a CEL/SESL -Check disty/coil packs ( I don't know what Mustangs use) -if all fails, it may be time for a sea foam treatment. Water in the gas tank is possible in very rare cases, but given the year of your car, I doubt it. as for "bad gas" that's basically a myth. you can have a less then stellar batch but having been to a few different stations it would've been diluted and gone by now. Just check everything and get a slight tune-up done if needed and it should fall right back into place. It doesn't sound that bad at all.
misfiring due to lower octane? and especially since you've chipped it to make use of 93 octane it might not be able to get the knock sensors working (or did they even exist for your model year duno) It does look more like a thing with the engine side more so than the exhaust Try and get OBD reading if you do indeed have the service light on and it could tell you which cylinders are misfiring. but yeah only the octane your car recommends (or set to when you chip) else theres a lot of problems that you may face with timing and all