The owner of this Lotus Elise had his car in for service when he noticed me working on a DBS. He told the service manager he wanted the same service performed on his car. The appointment was set and here are the results. It was 30 degrees when I got started so there are no wash pics. Before. Roof panel before. After. Stripes not corrected yet. Drivers door before. Corrected. More before shots. Passenger window had some water spot etching. 50/50 Corrected. Left stripe corrected. Afters. 50/50 Sun shots. Back inside awaiting to be picked up.
WOW....... how do you correct vinyl? and what did you use to clean up the windows? those look incredible.
Very nice job. Were the stripes paint, or vinyl, or what? I mean obvious paint of some sort if you could correct it. But just wondering. Cool reasoning behind him getting you to detail his car. Wish I could carry out a full paint correction right in the middle of a concours show :applause2: