I got bored today

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by CU2MIKE, Dec 7, 2010.

  1. CU2MIKE

    CU2MIKE Guest

    So you guys get to look at crappy, hand held shots of my car, lol.
    Sigh, I need a good tripod.....






  2. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    That's just terrible quality. I can completely see it's hand held. You really need to order that tripod now. Useless pictures, just awful...
  3. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    OUCH! LOL I'd spend my money on some wheel cleaner!
  4. CU2MIKE

    CU2MIKE Guest

    :complain: Alright already lol. I just bought a Giottos tripod, happy?
    Well I am lol
  5. Chaseme

    Chaseme DB Forum Supporter


    You know wheels are dirty when you can tell on gunmetal finish.
  6. CU2MIKE

    CU2MIKE Guest

    eh...... I haven't washed my car in bout week n half lol.
    Stupid California getting really cold for me these days (I lived in Taiwan for 14 years, and California for 12, it's never been this cold, 50F and below kind of cold), so I've been lazy lol.
    Besides, my wheels are suppose to be flat black, so they always look dirty anyways lol.
  7. domino

    domino Welcome to Detailing

    woh nelly, that grille reminds me of the Griswald's...

  8. CU2MIKE

    CU2MIKE Guest

  9. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    that tripod will help a ton but the photos are not the worst ever LoL. You should have seen my shots when i first got my DSLR LoL
  10. CU2MIKE

    CU2MIKE Guest

    :sorry: Fine fine I'll wash my car soon...... I promise, hopefully Wednesday, lol.
  11. CU2MIKE

    CU2MIKE Guest

    Sigh..... I'm learning, slowly but surely. This D7000 has me scratching my head lol.
  12. spK

    spK DB Forum Supporter

    Photos are decent for a hand held, I don't see much hand shake besides one picture.

    Clean those wheel wells and dress them asap!
  13. CU2MIKE

    CU2MIKE Guest

    I need to find a lift, car's too low to reach inside with a brush FTL!
    And I know just the place I can go lol.
    Gotta find the time..... 4 finals and 3 paper due next week, please kill me now, lol.
  14. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    I hope you caught at least some of my sarcasm...

  15. CU2MIKE

    CU2MIKE Guest

    Oh no worries, I caught the sarcasm lol.
    I remembered GDAL'S post about everyone here being sarcastic all the time, lol
  16. CU2MIKE

    CU2MIKE Guest

    Tripod is here!
    So this happened lol, I need to play with the settings on my camera more...
  17. Chaseme

    Chaseme DB Forum Supporter

    What type of camera do you have Mike?

    EDIT: Nikon D-7000.
  18. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    taking pics of dirty car and posting it on detailing forum, at least you could have cleanned wheels and wheel wells? shame on you lol
  19. metajames

    metajames Birth of a Detailer

    Wow look at all that flare, must be the rboe! ;-)
  20. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    looking for easy way out ha. you not getting off that easy
    2 finals down, 2 to go

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