Any Kanye Fans?

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by luke093, Nov 12, 2010.

  1. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    Just wanted to think what you guys think of his new album if you have listened to it?

    I for one think its GOLDEN! Every song is quite original and fresh, and much different from anyones previous work.

    So... What are the thoughts?
  2. Dr. Bob

    Dr. Bob Birth of a Detailer

    Fans of what?
  3. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter

    I think its very good. Lately Kanye has been putting out some of his best music, or should I say rhymes than ever before. I still love old Kanye stuff like highschool dropout.

    His ego has gotten to a ridiculous point and it comes through in his music now but honestly I think he does it so everyone hates on him, thus driving him to keeping making hit records.

    Oh and his verse on "Start it UP" with Llyod Banks and Fabolous is pretty damn good too!
  4. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    Yes, I agree, hes really cocky, but thats just him. And stupidly, it works. The stuff hes pushing now though, is very different of him, it just feels more real.

    And I agree, I like "Start it Up" as well.

    But this leads to another thing, despite his album being leaked 2 weeks early (albeit a censored version) I personally dont think it will cannibalize sales. I'm still going to buy the album in the store, since its that good, and usually an album has 1-3 standout songs, but there probably 1-3 songs that arent hits on this album by my books.
  5. billyblooshoes

    billyblooshoes DB Forum Supporter

    I think he's an asshole, and if that's what he's "going for", then its working. I have no interest in hearing his music because of that, especially after what he did to my girl taylor lol.
  6. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter

    I dont mind an asshole if they are fully aware they are an asshole. In his case, he does and I like his music. Just because hes an asshole doesnt make his music any less enjoyable in my opinion, my ears hear something good and I just keep on listening.

    I mean Mel Gibson threatened to kill his girlfriend, doesnt make Bravehart a bad movie :giggle:

    I respect Kanye as a rapper because frankly hip hop and rap today has become a joke... how can someone like Soulja Boy be considered a rapper and Jay-Z or Nas also be considered rappers? The specturm is split between people who are unbelievably talented (Jay, Kanye, Kid Cudi) and absolute trash one hit wonders.

    Another thing we forget is that Kanye is also a producer, so yes lyrically one of the best rappers maybe ever, and I say "one of" but also hes a talented producer. He actually used to open for John Legend shows back in the early 2000's, now, well I think John Legend would have to open for Kanye, ha. He's great too though:thumb:
  7. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing


    There are many crazy movie producers, and the same goes for asshole musicians, and that doesnt make the stuff they put out any worse than what the people get from it and think of it. And seriously... Theres too many one hit rappers, Soulja Boy and Lil B..., the Dougie Guy, and Jerk guy, etc. And I can't remember their names...

    Kanyes the best of my generation, and I think many people will have to agree on this fact (born in 93'). As for producing music, in my opinion Dr. Dre is one of the best.
  8. durabio

    durabio Birth of a Detailer

    +1 I agree
  9. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    I haven't heard of Kanye's new album but I'll have to pick it up. I agree that he can be an ass but he makes great rap music. I've been listening to Eminem's newest album and I think it's pretty good too.
  10. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    He's a racist moron and some of the stuff I've heard from him on different tracks, like Kid Cudi- Erase Me, is absolutely embarrassing. He might put out some good stuff but if he's making tracks and featured songs that are that bad, you have to wonder if he even knows what he's doing or gets lucky on some tracks. I just don't like him and won't support anything he does anymore. I liked him when he came out but recently I can't stand anything he does.
  11. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter

    I think he just got lucky too. Began his rap career in 1996 and has gone platinum several times over since then. Luck for sure lol
  12. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    Just because he went platinum a few times doesn't mean he's good. Sometimes people just get in at the right time and have that ''image''.

    Example: Nsync went platinum 11 times in 2000 with their album.
  13. racedoc11

    racedoc11 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I only hear such a thing on red lights and stop signs...Sorry
  14. JoeyZ

    JoeyZ Obsessive Detailer

    Kanye kills it. Drops killer beats, and is a great lyricist.

    As many have stated, its a shame his ego, and his ignorance overshadows his talent.
  15. JLs Detailing

    JLs Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    Not only is he an asshole like Billy said but he's also the "Perpetual Victim". He does really borderline retarded things and when it negatively affects his career he moans and groans and pouts about it like he's the victim. Comes out and says oh woe is me and I'm sorry, I've learned a great deal, blah blah blah and then goes right out and does something stupid again.

    When Taylor Swift won the award and this ass hat decided to jump on stage WTF!?!? I mean if Beyonce herself thought she deserved the award and wanted to jump up there I'd respect it a little but Kanye didn't have a dog in that fight so WTF was he doing up there, I'll tell you publicity, well it backfired and the woe is me came out like always.
  16. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    Kanye's stuff is so so. I remember back when i use to like his music but as stated above he turned into a asshole and thinks he's top shit and untouchable. He may be good at what he does (rapper, producer) but he need not sit so high on his saddle as there is always someone who has got more talent then you and better rhymes.

    With that said though some of his stuff is not bad.
  17. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    I like a couple of his songs, and not because of the lyrics themselves, but because of the way he can weave certain words to rhyme. That's a talent I don't have, so I can appreciate that.

    I don't like Kanye as a person.

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