Clear Coat Correction

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by luke093, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    Ok so I know this post is untraditional, but I need to restore the back of the iPhone I'm selling to as new. I got M105, M205, SIP, PO85RD, HD Uno and PB Polish. Along with 4" LC pads.

    Anyone ever do this!... and whats the best way to go at the chrome? I tried P21S soap, but that was messy and I have optimum metal polish- would that be a go?

    I know the iPhone back has a coating and I dont want to go through that.

    Thanks and sorry if this is completely stupid!
  2. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    Wow! I did it! Taped up the sides and buttons and WOW what a result. The phone was 100% dull with scratches! But after 4" Orange and HD Uno it just looks wow! But then going with a blue pad, just removed a little bit more. Time to sell it, and although it cant pass as new (obviously) the result pretty much increased my selling price by $60!

    In other words, detailing for electronics is a go! Time to go at my ps3... that things a swirl monster
  3. kb2ehj

    kb2ehj Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I really not trying to be a jerk here...but wouldn't that constitute a fraudulent act in most countries?
  4. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    I don't think he was comitting any kind of fraud. He made the product look better by polishing it up, and able to get more money for it.

    Same thing with cars. A polished car would fetch more money than one with lots of scratches and swirls in the paint. Not fraud either.
  5. kb2ehj

    kb2ehj Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    i was getting at the statement of "but I need to restore the back of the iPhone I'm selling to as new."

    Little gray area if you ask me. It was only a statement not something to start a posting war about.
  6. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    It looks like he cleared up that confusion in the second post, where he stated he obviously couldn't sell the phone as new...
  7. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    I meant I needed to restore the back to better condition. I knew I can't make it perfect, since some marks were very deep. I just wanted to make it look better/ as new as it can be.

    No fraud here... Lol
  8. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    And when i mean increased the price, I had my ad at the original price and as soon as I sent pics, the reply would be "thats too much damage for the price". And after getting a call and emailing them the pics, they agreed to the price. Else wise, I would have maybe gotten $200, the price of $260 has been agreed on :)

    Although, $60 is hardly anything compared to the amount i spend on detailing goodies... I dont even have a car yet, nor have plans to until maybe a year a year and a half from now. Although my family's cars all look great!
  9. racedoc11

    racedoc11 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I agree....if it will be listed (New) it is a fraud..
  10. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    Which it was not... I listed at $260, email pics and many people declined. It was listed as ok condition, everything functioning perfectly. But the after pics are quite good, and finally got a buyer. But they can flake out...

    Guys, this is not fraud, trying to get a phone into better newer looking condition is not wrong... I dont get the deal there with you guys...

    Again... I meant I need to get it looking as NEW as possible. It was trashed, I could never sell this as new or even try... missing plastic and headphones too. People know its used for goodness sakes! Its an iPhone 3G! That was over 2 years ago.
  11. JoeyV

    JoeyV Welcome to Detailing

    I think what he was looking to say is that he wanted to sell the phone under the "like new" condition which means it's NOT new, but is in good enough condition that it might as well be.

    You have any pictures of this correction BTW? I'm curious to see it.

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