Audi A3 Detail

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by tdekany, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. tdekany

    tdekany Wax on..Wax off

    Long time no post.:think:

    This A3 was purchased several months ago from Luxe Auto and it was deswirled then. The new owner washed the car 2 to 3 times a week since and did an amazing job keeping it in top shape. He contacted me to get the car freshened up and protected for the rainy season.

    Just so happened that I recently ordered DODO JUICE Lime Prime Pre Wax Cleanser and Cleaner Glaze from DI.

    This car was a perfect candidate as it didn't need any correction work.

    So after a wash and clay I started polishing the paint with a pcxp with an orange pad
    and the Pre Wax Cleanser as this product has abrasives in it. I wanted to freshen up the paint a little bit instead of just using the glaze.

    Well, I can openly recommend Lime Prime to anyone who is into the carnauba look. I couldn't believe the difference I saw after I finished the first panel. (Normally my go to product is EZ Creme Glaze but this thing is definately better in the "look" department and EZ CREME is no slouch.)

    I took my time polishing the paint and worked it in until there was no visable product on the surface. This produced a very glossy finish and much sharper reflections.
    After I finished the whole car, and because we were looking for long lasting protection I applied FK1 #1000 to the car. Again I used the pcxp speed 4 and a black 3M waffle pad. I let #1000 sit for awhile while I dressed the engine (it was cleaned as well) with HD PROTECT, cleaned the windows inside and out with SPRAYAWAY foam, sealed the wheels and windows with ZCS. Tire was dressed with 3D TRIM SHINE

    Once done, I removed the sealant with OCW

    Here are the result, unfortunately the weather wasn't cooperating :bawling::bawling::bawling:

    There are no before pictures.

    This is after Lime Prime


    All done








  2. vtec92civic

    vtec92civic Nuba Guru

    looks damn good man. Your vehicles always look slick in your photographs. I literally mean slick to the touch. You can just see the smoothness of the paint.

    Nice work on your part and the owners part.
  3. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    Very nice! Love it!
  4. rwisejr

    rwisejr DB Forum Supporter

    Man that looks good !!! Well done .
  5. tdekany

    tdekany Wax on..Wax off

    Thank you gents!
  6. cnut

    cnut Guest

    Good job.
  7. bryansbestwax

    bryansbestwax DB Forum Supporter

    another nice one, love the big shop
  8. tdekany

    tdekany Wax on..Wax off

    Thanks again - the "shop" is actually a used car dealership. I detail outside until the cold weather arrives. :D
  9. kustomizingkid

    kustomizingkid Nuba Guru

    Very nice work!
  10. shazam

    shazam Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    great job on the detailing - looks right out of the showroom

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