no good touch up paint, need help!

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by onelsono, Feb 24, 2010.

  1. onelsono

    onelsono Virgin Detailer

    Whats up guys. Im new to this forum and new to the ligit detailing world. I usually just go to an autozone and thats about it. About a month ago a snow plow was spraying sand on the road,and got to close to my blackmica mazdaspeed3. The sand hit my car hard, and the next time i washed the car i noticed their were chips all over the side of the car. I tryed using some touch up paint, and while it did make the chip not visible, the paint did not blend in right with the car. so now when the car is clean you can see all these little darker spots of where the chips were. I had the car wheeled but it didnt do much. Is their anyway i can fix this without getting it painted?

    And also mazda uses a very weak "green" paint so my car has alot of nics in it on the front end. Is their anyway to fix this also.

    More or less all i want to know is what are the best products are to fix this, and just restore and make my paint look fresh again.

  2. onelsono

    onelsono Virgin Detailer

    no1 can help me out?
  3. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

  4. onelsono

    onelsono Virgin Detailer

    I mean a rotary polisher. We call it wheeled aroud here. Im not looking for a touchup paint. Im looking for a way to get those spots of touchup paint to blend in right.
  5. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    repaint. I don't know of any other way. If it's the wrong color, it's the wrong color. We're detailers, not miracle workers. lol.

    Sorry I don't have a cheap fix for you. Maybe try to take that blob of paint out and use the proper color. But If it was done properly, that paint isn't going anywhere.
  6. corrswitch

    corrswitch Jedi Nuba

    Don't have all the details of your situation....

    Was it the right paint color match? Not sure if this is metallic paint or not but you could have trouble blending.

    If metallic flakes, you might consider repainting.

    However if it was the wrong paint color (I always get the ones from the dealership cuz they're the right color based on the code) I use Langka's blob eliminator to help get rid of the incorrect paint and re-apply.

    But Langka might not be enough to get rid of the paint if its really set in. Its really only supposed to help level the paint but in my case, it sometimes helps me remove it.

    However, You mentioned it was polished I don't think you can get rid of it anymore.

    As for all those nicks, you might need to repaint.
    I have some of those nicks and touching them up is not worth it. It makes the car seem like it has acne.

    Having a very fine tip for applying the paint helps to reach those harder to fill areas.
  7. onelsono

    onelsono Virgin Detailer

    it is a metallic paint. And i got the touchup paint right from mazda. So it is the right one.
  8. corrswitch

    corrswitch Jedi Nuba

    ok, since its metallic, they're real hard to blend.
    Unfortunately, repaint is the best option.
  9. richy

    richy Guest

    I've been using the expression "wheel out the paint" for years...these young bucks don't get it I guess. If the touch up came from the factory then the paint has either oxidized or the touch up is wrong. Gotta be one of those 2 options. Langka should pull out the touch up. Try getting some mixed at a local paint supplier. If that does not work, your only option will be to shoot it.
  10. Aesop

    Aesop Jedi Nuba

    We get our touch up from a local paint place. They actually color match rather than just give you the OEM code. Some peoples have serious skills with paint.
  11. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    Yeah, I haven't been in the game... or alive... nearly as long as you lol. You were probably using the term before I was born. :p:

    Actually, I'm pushin 30. 1.5 kids. Time's gonna go REAL fast now.
  12. onelsono

    onelsono Virgin Detailer

    lol no im good on shooting it. But what is langka? how does it work?
  13. onelsono

    onelsono Virgin Detailer

    ive just read up on langka. But is it going to fully remove the touchup paint? so i can fill it with a new one
  14. shazam

    shazam Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    im also looking to repair a chip on my brilliant silver g35... anyone have experience with brilliant silver paint? was thinking about either going to infinti dealership or just order from paintscratch... the difference in price with the latter is more...

    i just want whatever matches better

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