Basic ? about AutoGlym HD Wax

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by lgixxer, Aug 23, 2010.

  1. lgixxer

    lgixxer Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    This question is very basic so take it easy guys... I just hand waxed a BMW (jetblack) this weekend. My client just call me and said the car has a haze all over. I am planning on removing the wax and just using another one. Is this what you would do? or would you just try to remove the haze?

    It was a rainy day and maybe I just did not get the was off.
  2. stottie

    stottie Birth of a Detailer

    i have yet to use the hd wax. but have had similar problems like this. so i would go back to the car and try to wipe it and see what happens. mabey a qucik detailer and some elbow grease will take care of it. could of been with the rain and humidity that the wax hazed over and just needs buffed off. good luck.
  3. billyblooshoes

    billyblooshoes DB Forum Supporter

    im assuming it was humid out? either way, the wax is sweating, and you can fix this by going back and wiping down the car with deionized water or a quality quick detailer. most carnauba waxes will sweat in the heat and humidity. just stick with sealants til the weather is cooler.
  4. lgixxer

    lgixxer Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I am in Florida and is definitely very humid right now. This is a very important client for me and he cares a lot about his car so I want to make sure he is happy. I will love to use quick detail spray and elbow grease to see if that will correct the problem. Thank you for your suggestions...

    I use the same technique on a few cars last week... I will call everybody tomorrow.
  5. AG HD is by far a carnauba wax. I would consider it more along the lines of almost a sealant because of the amount of polymers it is made up as. It has to be put on very very thin. If you put it on too thick, it makes it very difficult to get off fully, especially with our Florida weather right now.

    It is a great wax and has great durability...more than your "typical wax." Like I's almost like a solid sealant. Just give it a good wipe down and you'll be good to go!
  6. nyrep1

    nyrep1 Obsessive Detailer

    i have put it on so thin that you barely see it and had the same thing happen. to make things worst the car i did was leaving for a car show in the morning, i had them put the car in the sun and then i wiped down with a cg synthetic and it all went away and has not come back in a month. the plus side is the car looked great and it really brought out the blue pearl in the black paint
  7. Wheelz25

    Wheelz25 Jedi Nuba

    I had this same issue when I detailed my brother's black VW Rabbit. Waxed it, next day he came back around and some sections were all hazed up and was quickly removed with a shot of forward another 2 days and he comes around again and the haze was back, ended up happening a couple of times. Needless to say I haven't used it on many customer's cars because it's been really humid most of the summer and I don't want that to happen for obvious reasons. Like others have said, once we get into the fall months it shouldn't be much of an issue.
  8. JoeyZ

    JoeyZ Obsessive Detailer

    I be careful when using "elbow grease". Dont apply pressure when wiping down, even with a quality spray you will scratch that black paint easily if contaminants (dust, dirt, etc) have landed on the cars surface.

    Good luck. Black is tough enough as it is.
  9. sal329

    sal329 Nuba Guru

    I have used this wax 2x and not had this issue. Sounds like the wax is "sweating" do your initial wipe down wait 20 minutes or so and then wipe with chilled distilled water
  10. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    Sounds like a light issue, but maybe you should put the wax on super thinly. I know there is a similar issue in the summer when using some of mine.

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