autoglym hd cure time issue

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by nyrep1, Jul 17, 2010.

  1. nyrep1

    nyrep1 Obsessive Detailer

    used this for the first time the other night. nighthawk black pearl car polished with 85rd and ipa wipe down then cg wmf glaze. i let the hd sit for about 2 hours (was very humid but it always is here) and it never passed the swipe test. the person was coming to get the car so i had to remove it. and as i expected it was full of hazing. the car was heading to a car show in the morning so i got up and went to the persons house and wiped it down with the next morning and the hazing was removed. how long are you guys letting this stuff dry before removing. i searched and see people saying 30-45 mins ....has anyone had tpo leave it longer. or was this some odd interaction between wmf and hd
  2. JonM

    JonM Guest

    I haven't used mine yet, but honestly this heat and humidity makes it almost impossible to wax.
  3. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    As John said, if its humid out forget about waxing, its just not worth the hassle. The AG Hi Def wax is like a sealant in that the drier it is, the easier it to remove. Trying to remove it earlier will be an exercise in futility as you discovered.
  4. Fox

    Fox Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I'm having trouble working with this wax as well due to the humidity. It gives great looks and it's easy on easy off but it likes to sweat over and over in humid climates.
  5. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    if is say 30 minutes, you should wait 30 minutes, and then remove...even though it's humid, you should at least do a swipe test after 30 minutes...

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