lusso oro oils

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by cleanfiend, Jul 16, 2010.

  1. cleanfiend

    cleanfiend Jedi Nuba

    last time i waxed my car with lusso oro, i noticed what appeared to be holograms all over my car. After having my heart go up into my throat, i realized that i was able to wipe it off, although it was really tough to get off in some places.

    is there something wrong in my process that is causing this? i applied another coat later that day after removing all the oils and found out next morning that the same thing had happened.

    any help is appreciated
  2. metsfan

    metsfan Birth of a Detailer

    Did you apply it in the sun or when the panels were hot ? How long did you let it dry for ?
  3. domino

    domino Welcome to Detailing

    funny you should say this

    i just got my car back from the first service and ran my led torch along the side door and noticed similar hazing with my last (third coat) of lusso oro

    im just assuming i applied it too thick (i was using my DA for first time), or the wax has "gas'd out" which is pretty common

    when this has happened to me with other waxes, ive just used a cleaner QD or waited till next wash and its removed
  4. corvus.corax

    corvus.corax Virgin Detailer

    That has happened to me too but with Pinnacle SSII. A week later after the application and I noticed a hazing on my car and is black btw. I thought I applied too thick.
  5. bakchoi

    bakchoi Birth of a Detailer

    The holograms should go away by spraying ice cold distilled or spring water on it and wipe off. Happens when applying waxes in the sun.
  6. togwt

    togwt Nuba Guru

    [I thought I applied too thick. ]

    Try applying a thin layer as that's all you need.

    Cold distilled water will help with solvents, but it wont do much to oil as oil is not miscable
  7. Wolfs Chemicals

    Wolfs Chemicals DB Certified Manufacturer

    Sounds like sweating to me. IME waxes tend to misbehave in hotter and more humid weather, meaning that they don't fully "cure" when we think they do. Oils and such get trapped under/within the wax that's assumed to be cured, but once we've removed the said "residue" the rest of the oils, etc. "sweat" out.
  8. cleanfiend

    cleanfiend Jedi Nuba

    the first 2 layers were applied in the sun, but the last layer was applied in the evening when everything was cool.

    I followed the direction on the pot and let the wax sit for 60 seconds on the panel before removing
  9. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    ive had this happen. and i just go over the area with a quick detailer. and this seems to remove and oils or left over wax sweating.. try to always wax in a cool shaded area. never in the sun or with the paint hot. heat and wax just dont work well. and the wax never sets up well.
  10. domino

    domino Welcome to Detailing

    washed my car yesterday and the hazing dissappeared

    its only sweating/gassing
  11. nyrep1

    nyrep1 Obsessive Detailer

    i have this same issue with ag hd....honestly ii drives me crazy and plan on goping back to using jetseal and powerlock till the weather changes here...about the end of october
  12. Wolfs Chemicals

    Wolfs Chemicals DB Certified Manufacturer

    Also if you applied all 3 layers within one day, chances are the wax didn't have enough time to cure between layers, which would make the sweating even more noticeable.
  13. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    i heard really the only wau tolayer waxis tore wash after you wax then reapply the next layer. this lets the wax cure. eaither that orspray disited water over the car and wipe off then apply ur second coat.
  14. Wolfs Chemicals

    Wolfs Chemicals DB Certified Manufacturer

    As togwt stated earlier, distilled water will help tame the solvents, but won't help with the oils still "trapped" inside the wax that hasn't cured yet. Washing the car directly after waxing won't really make it "waxable" immediately because the wax is still gassing/releasing/sweating the oils that it was originally emulsified with. Therefore, the wax is still "protecting" the "other ingredients". Most boutique waxes need a minimum of 1 hour, but ideally 24 hours, before a second layer can be applied effectively.

    1. Wax goes on 2. Solvents begin to dry 3. Wax begins to gas 4. Finished gassing/fully cured = hard layer of wax

    If the 3rd step hasn't completed its cycle, the wax is still vulnerable to the solvents you'll be putting on with the 2nd layer of wax.

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