iPhone 4 quick review....

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by dsms, Jul 11, 2010.

  1. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter

    Was eligible for an upgrade on my 3Gs and went for it. On the waiting lists for 2 weeks and picked it up a few days ago.

    Overall the look and feel of the phone is so much better, build quality improved, solid weight and it feels good in your hand. Definitely feel it as thinner especially when you hold an older model next to it.

    Screen: Unbelievable. Sharp as hell with amazing graphics, beautiful and bright even turned down from full brightness.

    Letters: The look of the text is much improved, everything is far richer and brighter. Anything with lots of reading involved is now easier to read and even something as simple as sending or reading a text is great. You really need to have had the old iPhone to notice this small difference but I still cannot get over it.

    Camera: Far far improved, sharp shots, flash is okay (not great), having real zoom is a nice touch. I took some shots at a Kid Rock/Bon Jovi concert last night and took some videos, the HD video is very good for a phone, better than my sony point and shoot as well.

    Shot last night in from on Meadowlands for the concert, at distance (look at the clouds!)


    Facetime: Only used it once and its basically what you would expect, iChat for your phone. Resolution goes down but still nice feature and cool that you can show the person your talking to the view from your rear facing camera not just the one pointed at you.

    When I first played with the 4 i was like, Okay its nice looking but really not that different from my 3Gs. Now I appreciate the finer details of it and the improved text and screen have blown me away.
  2. G:Luv

    G:Luv Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Here's a YouTube video that's a rather humorous take on the subject of Iphone vs. HTC Evo. Warning: headphones needed due to language.

    YouTube - iPhone4 vs HTC Evo

    The guy who made this, and another one or 2 like it, worked at Best Buy. It's a rather disparaging look at cell phone customers. When BB got wind of it, they promptly fired him but have recently offered him his job back.
  3. mrgolfrider

    mrgolfrider DB Forum Supporter

    G that was just too funny! What a great video before going to bed.
  4. BJsBuds

    BJsBuds Guest

    I too upgraded my 3GS for the new iPhone 4. The best improvement IMO is the screen, it's so much better. AT&T coverage still isn't as good as Verizon, and it is so frustrating with the number of calls that drop, but I wouldn't give up my iPhone for anything.
  5. Pats300zx

    Pats300zx Official DB Moderator

    Thanks for the reviews guys. I have a 3GS with IOS4 and I love the Iphone. I hope to upgrade and get an Iphone 4 by the end of the year.
  6. Darkstar752

    Darkstar752 Horizon Detailing

    Damn Dave I was just about to post up a review! I should get mine in a couple days, but my Dad has one and the camera is amazing. And G:Luv, that video's funny, but highly inaccurate in some of the points.

    One of my friends with the droid talks my ear off about it, spouting out numbers like his 8MP camera is better than my 5MP. Let me show you guys something:
    YouTube - HTC Evo 4G Indoor Video Test

    YouTube - iPhone 4 Indoor Video Test
  7. bonehead

    bonehead Jedi Nuba

    Does no one here have the antenna problem with holding the phone in your left hand??? Stupid Steve Jobs.....:waiting:
  8. Darkstar752

    Darkstar752 Horizon Detailing

    LOL, the media just blew that up. It happens with all phones, just everyone loves to hate on Apple so it was widely publicized. Here's a comparative chart:

    Anandtech Looks At The iPhone 4 Signal Loss Issue – SoftSailor

    A case fixes the problem, and most people are gonna put a case on anyway.
  9. Camaro5Ryan

    Camaro5Ryan Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I'm waiting for iPhone 5... Too many technical issues with iPhone 4, antenna, proximity sensor, scratching glass, I'm holding out hoping that iPhone 5 will be a little better thought out.
  10. bonehead

    bonehead Jedi Nuba

    Err.....no. I have the phone, I have the problem, and I have a case. It doesn't work.
  11. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter

    I havent had any issues so far with regards to dropped calls, luckily reception and service has been fine.

    By no means am I an apple fanboy, I just try something and if I like it I stick with it. I had a blackberry prior to my first iPhone and loved it and when i got my 3Gs I liked that, more. I usually get the itch for a new phone every 6 months but even when the iPhone 4 came out I was in no rush to get one as I was still completely satisfied with my 3Gs after over 1 year of having it, when I heard I could upgrade than just went for it.

    I have no doubt that the Droid/HTC devices are as capable as the iPhone and maybe in some cases, more capable but in truth I just have no reason to switch. I really like apple products, dealing with apple customer service and the iPhone does all that I need. If I wasnt happy with the iPhone I would absolutely have one of the new droid devices over any of the new blackberries.

    PS: That first HTC vs. Iphone video was funny as shit
  12. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Thanks for the review Dave. I have an old BB (Curve 8900) and I had a 7100 for 4 years before that so I'm not someone who has to have the latest and greatest. Having said that, the new iPhone is pretty damn tempting. I'm pretty hard on my phones and am worried that it won't survive my abuse.
  13. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    Psshh, you can polish it out! :p:

    I'm just waiting on when our cell companies will announce the release... I have the 3G and was eligible to upgrade to the 3GS for $200 extra, and I will be REALLY pissed if they dont let me upgrade straight up.

    But the new iPhone is delicate for sure, the glass is brillant but thats the major downfall. Stress tests show that without a case the iPhone survived 2-3 drops from 4ft, before cracking.
  14. Darkstar752

    Darkstar752 Horizon Detailing

    If you get it, get a case for it, one that sticks out slightly past the screen. I prefer something soft and grippy, so it won't fall as much and will absorb the impact when it does. I'm really hard on my phones too, but the iPhone has served me well, and I've dropped it thousands of times.

    One time however, I dropped my phone without the case and the screen turned white and wouldn't turn back on. Took into the Apple store the same day, and they said "Oh sir, we couldn't fix your phone, here's a new one for free. Have a nice day!" That just can't be beat. I would definitely pick up an extended warranty on it if you do buy the phone, it'll way outpay for itself even if you only use it once.
  15. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    I still have the OG iPhone. Works perfectly, but ready for an upgrade, mainly just for the better camera.

    Buy now, or wait a few months?
  16. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    great phone no issues.

    amazing video (G:Luv)
  17. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter

    Buy now than when in a year they revamp this current one you can move to that if you like.
  18. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    some iphone 4 shots

  19. Darkstar752

    Darkstar752 Horizon Detailing

    Sick shots Phil!
  20. Emile

    Emile Welcome to Detailing

    I'm a lefty so all my phone calls are placed in my left hand, never noticed this problem with my iPhone.

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