Biggest peeve when people are around your car

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by TheRustySuper, Apr 24, 2010.

  1. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    I have one, and it sums all of the above up:

    1) Just because I have a truck doesn't mean I am going to treat it like a truck, very much USE it like a truck.

    PS: I just polished out the INSIDE of my tailgate...
  2. hoppy6698

    hoppy6698 Birth of a Detailer

    Hmm, short list I guess:
    1 - Bird shit (had a bad experience where this once ate through the clearcoat and destroyed a metallic paint on a brand new Honda)

    2 - People who drag their feet getting in, across the door sills and footwells.

    3 - Smokers (but they don't get in the car ... ever)

    4 - Touching the inside of the glass (tinted)

    5 - People who park too close (no personal space in cars I guess). I never park to anything that doesn't look upkept or at least attempted to be well kept.

    The rest just gives me an excuse to reapply products :p
  3. AZN_C300

    AZN_C300 Birth of a Detailer

    I hate it when people think it's cool to lean against your car to rest. Thanks for grinding your jean studs and rubbing whatever dirt might be on the car into the paint!

    I was at my house and maintenance washing one of my cars with my second car sitting out front on the curb waiting for its turn. This old guy walking on with a cane comes by and decided to lean against my dirty car on the curb to rest and watch me work. I felt like an a-hole asking him to not rest on my car and move along, but seriously, don't sit on other people's cars! I did help him to the short wall that he could sit and rest on though, so didn't feel too bad. lol
  4. G8GXP

    G8GXP Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Use it like a truck... LOL

    You mean like people asking you to help them move furniture. Or another good one.. Hey, I need to get a load of dirt, or mulch and was wondering if I could use your truck. :bla2:

    When I had a truck a few years ago (Ford Lightning). I would say yeah, that sounds great, but not in my truck. I told them they could rent a truck for the day at a car rental place and move all the crap they wanted. LOL
  5. Zechariaha

    Zechariaha Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I hate when people roll my window down like a quarter or a half way i like them both down or up and both barely cracked it leaves little lines where it stops and starts ohhh how i hate that!
  6. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    That is exactly what I mean, yes!
  7. G8GXP

    G8GXP Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I know what you mean. Been there and done that. lol
  8. metajames

    metajames Birth of a Detailer

    One peeve I have that has not been mentioned....

    In many cars there is a high section at the top of the footwell where it joins with the door sill and is exposed when the seat is adjusted back. It makes kind of a little platform at the base of the seat extending to the back edge of the footwell.

    This is NOT a footrest for your FREAKING HEAL! It makes me cringe when people put their heal on this part and proceed to grind the crap out of it. It destroys the carpet instantly making it pill and fuzz not to mention grind whatever debris that is on the bottom of your dirty shoe into that spot.

    It will not kill you to keep your feet in the footwells, on the floor mats and off the carpets where they belong. I can remove, clean and replace floor mats, that is why I have them.

    When you ride in my car it is the same as me inviting you into my immaculately kept home, I expect the same level of respect.
  9. ahwil_lim

    ahwil_lim Wax on..Wax off

    I hate the most when people slam my door. I dont know what was in their mind.

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