If you could have only 3 Menzerna products?

Discussion in 'Car Detailing Product Discussion' started by tuscani2718, Jun 6, 2010.

  1. christian900se

    christian900se Obsessive Detailer

    I have yet to meet a car that I could not take care of with:

    -Power Gloss

    -Power Finish


    I rarely use Power Gloss but I use Power Finish all the time for anything from a one step to a heavy polishing step and then follow it up with a pass of 85rd and it produces a stunning finish on any color and car.
  2. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Just ask. Man, do I have to explain everything?
  3. David Fermani

    David Fermani DB Certified Manufacturer

    SIP & 85rd. Power Gloss is terrible in comparison to other compounds. Looking forward to trying their new compound when it hits the US.
  4. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    I wouldn't hold my breath!
  5. porta

    porta Jedi Nuba

    After spending two days with Menzernas head instructor, Axel Schnarrenberger, I would say:

    S500 Fast Gloss

    He was using P0203 on 80% of all his work and finished with PO106FA, but bare in mind he's mostly polishing on OEM plants. PO203S with a wool pad will cut very nice and PO106FA will finish of very nice with a light polishing pad.

    Regarding the S500 Fast gloss: it's very similar to 3M (UK) Fast cut+, wich means very heavy on solvents and very abrasive, but it spreads great and finishes off good for being such a heavy compound.

    My 2 cents.
  6. domino

    domino Welcome to Detailing

    i used 203S for the first time last weekend on my G220 (G110) on a white CCS

    absolutely zero dusting, and finished down extremely well on solid black

    its my go to polish now

    id start with 203S, use it with light and heavy cutting pads, then decide if you need anything else

    i cbb with the dusting issues of 106FF and 85RD now, ill just use 203S on even a black CCS to finish down finer
  7. jxu

    jxu Virgin Detailer

    I was thinking of doing the same thing, thanks for the advice guys!
  8. David Fermani

    David Fermani DB Certified Manufacturer

    Is this product only going to be available outside of the US?

  9. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    For some reason the products available here and there are different.
    Power Gloss - ours cuts ok buts dusts like hell. Theirs has more oils to cut down on dusts and is more abrasive. Their Power Finish is our SIP. Dusts like crazy. We have 85RD, they have 85RE which I believe is an earlier version. We get 32oz and 16oz bottles. They have 32oz and 8oz. Your guess is as good as mine.
  10. David Fermani

    David Fermani DB Certified Manufacturer

    I thought their new compound was non-deminishing?
  11. porta

    porta Jedi Nuba

    We have both SIP(RD3.02) and Power finish (PO203/PO203S) but I am mostly using PO203S. The old Power gloss (S34A) is the same product all over the world. We also got a updated version, called Power gloss POS100, but it's not as good as the new S500.

    RE5 and RD is more or less the same product, only a little more powder(abrasives) in the RE5

    Aluminum oxide us non dimishing, since it have a 9 on the MOHS scale. But I know what you are meaning. I acutaly forgot to ask :sorry: when I met this man:

  12. getcha

    getcha Jedi Nuba

    Interesting... I know a ton of products actually use AluOx in them, so is it present to always give a certain amount of cut?
  13. getcha

    getcha Jedi Nuba

    And to add, I really really like SIP over 203 for some reason. It seems to work a little better in the crap temps. Sip on white on the DA just seems to work better on light colors before I use an AIO for a 1.25 step :)
  14. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    I received and have been using the UK versions of these products for some time now and can say without a doubt that the product that came in the bottle labeled "Power Finish" is not the same product we get. A call to Rich at Polished Bliss confirmed that the Power Finish I got from him was, in fact, the same as our SIP. It dusts like crazy whereas the Power Finish here dusts very little if at all. As for the Power Gloss, the version that came from the UK is S100 as you stated, but here we only have S34A although both are labeled Power Gloss. How is the newer S500 different than S100?

  15. porta

    porta Jedi Nuba

    The answer is: Menzerna GMBH uses the same labels "Power finish" for three(3) products in Europe and probably all over the world, and those are:

    PO85RD3.02 (wich is called Super Intensive Polish in North America)

    Thats the reason why you think that Power Finish is the same as SIP. Very confusing but they decided for this beacuse of the OEM market. You can buy a product with Intensiv polish labels in Europe, and thats the old Intensive polish, PO91L, like you have in North America.

    If you want to be sure, turn the bottle and read on the white lable wich would have a product code, or else, read the fine print on the lower end of the bottle.

    POS100 and S34A share both the same name - Power Gloss. S500 have much more solvents then POS100 and will therfore get a more powerful chemical reaction to the paint and then get much more cut then POS100. S500 will also finish out nicer and is, IMO, easier to use since it's more lubed.
  16. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Thanks porta! Over here, our SIP and Power Finish are labeled accordingly. No mistaking them. I haven't seen the S500 available anywhere but would love to get my hands on some. Which retailers over there have it? Thanks for all the clarifying. Damn manufacturers! LOL
  17. porta

    porta Jedi Nuba

    Np, I had many questions when Menzerna visited my friends company. I have only seen
    S500 in two webshops, one in Austria and one is Sweden(my friend).
  18. SilverGTV8

    SilverGTV8 Jedi Nuba


    I would have to do with out their LSP :(
  19. Erik Mejia

    Erik Mejia Obsessive Detailer

    Ken or Phil, any chance of getting some S500 Fast Gloss in?
  20. BoostedMk6

    BoostedMk6 Jedi Nuba

    I would have to say


    I use Powerfinish for 90% of my details and most of the time it finishes LSP ready even with a light cutting pad. It is a phenomenal product and a huge time saver, although 85RD makes the paint pop even more. Powerlock is also an awesome paint sealant.

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