Looking for high-end LSP for all colours?

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by BrendanS, May 27, 2010.

  1. BrendanS

    BrendanS Welcome to Detailing

    Looking for a high-end nuba that looks great on all colours. I'm starting to work on cars that have owners wanting a bit more out of their paint. While Collinite 845 topped with Autoglym HD looks great, I was thinking of getting an LSP that I could charge a little more for. Not looking to spend ridiculous amounts, but Swissvax Concorso is in the picture. I want an LSP that looks great on all colours and doesn't cater to one specific colour or shade. If you guys have any recommendations it would be greatly appreciated. Right now these are the waxes I'm considering:

    Swissvax Concorso $279.00/200ml
    Zymol Concours $192.00/8oz.
    Wolfgang Füzion Carnauba Polymer Concours $192.50/8oz.
    CG Ezyme $274.00/8oz?
    Rubbish Boys OE $80.00 roughly /250ml
    Dodo Juice Supernatural $129.00/200ml

    Looking for a wax is great all around, looks great, good durability, easy to apply would be nice, and best bang for the buck.

    Brendan Siu
  2. mrgolfrider

    mrgolfrider DB Forum Supporter

    As soon as you start to throw durability into the mix the option of a nice high end wax to me goes out of the window.

    Imo what is under the wax/sealant is what matters most. Even though you can actually polish a turd you can only make a car look so nice with a topper.
  3. mdun6

    mdun6 DB Forum Supporter

    I've been using Wolfgang Füzion Carnauba Polymer Concours. It's looks very nice on all colors and Autogeek still has it BOGO.
  4. BrendanS

    BrendanS Welcome to Detailing

    Thats the other thing I forgot to mention, I'd want to be able to apply it on top of Collinite 845 or possibly Powerlock in the future. Swissvax claims 6 months with their Concorso. But anyways, durability would be nice but if I can apply it on top of a sealant it doesn't really matter.
  5. mrgolfrider

    mrgolfrider DB Forum Supporter

    Well it sounds like you are going in the right direction with your choice. Will you be maintaining these cars also? With proper wash techniques an lsp should last for a while, but if the owners are going to be going through tunnel washes I don't care what you have on a car, its coming off with a quickness.
  6. JonM

    JonM Guest

    Fuzion is awesome. Easy, easy on and off. Looks great, and pretty durable as it's a hybrid. (sealant, nuba mix). The free refill is a great plus too.

    Just got my E-Zyme, but have't used it. Great smelling, definitely not a 16oz tub though. I'll keep you updated once I use it. I can already tell it will be an extremely easy on and off wax (rubbed an applicator on the top)

    Rubbish Boys OE is amazing. I only had the pleasure of using it once, but it worked great. A little more difficult to apply, but decently easy to remove. Smells nice, and is the cheapest of the waxes you're looking at, but definitely hangs with the best of them.

    DoDo Supernatural probably delivered one of the best results I've seen on my Phantom Black Pearl paint. It was seriously on par with my Insignis and Souveran, BUT it was much harder to apply thinly, and remove. Small payoff for the way it looks, but I guess it could be a deal breaker.

    Until I try my E-Zyme, my Swissvax is my favorite, followed closely by Fuzion, Souveran and SN.

    Other waxes I'd consider if I were you.

    -Pinnacle Souveran
    -DoDo Austintacious
  7. BrendanS

    BrendanS Welcome to Detailing

    thanks for the run down! So you say concourso would be the best bet?

    TONY MONTANA DB Forum Supporter

    i would go with RBOE its a little hard to take off sometimes but the looks are awesome
  9. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    if it was me id go with swissvax concorso. ive been useing this wax for 3 years now and im still blown away with the ease of application/ the great deep wetglossy look to the paint work. and nice durability... now if yourlooking for the same look cheaper? go with Souveran paste wax. but the durabilty is 3 weeks if that... this weekend im top ing my truck with concorso :thumb: goodluck with what ever you decide
  10. JonM

    JonM Guest

    Yes Brendan, I'd go with the Swissvax, only if it gives a similar ease of use, and look to my Insignis because I have no personal experience with Concorso.

    If it were me, it would be between Supernatural, Fuzion, and Concorso. Though, keep in mind...you will most likely love any of these three you buy, but Fuzion is the best bang for you buck right now...especially with the 15% off autogeek is giving + the free refill. Use Memday15 code if you decide on Fuzion.
  11. eyezack87

    eyezack87 Guest

    Concorso or Supernatural 2.0 are my choices.

    Supernatural finally died on the horizontal surfaces on my car and it was applied in 1 coat last September. Its been outside 24/7 and has NOT had any QD or enhancing car wash on it. Its trickier to apply than Concorso but I like it a lot.

    As for Concorso, you pay the extra amount for the slickness and ease of application IMO. I never really saw a difference in the looks department in the end. Its still my favorite SV product though

    Fuzion for me was a dud. Sure it was slick and all but it lasted 3 weeks tops. I don't know if it "melted" off in the SoCal weather but like all my waxes, I hate enhancing it with a QD or wash with waxes in it. Prep was the same as always for those who feel that I don't know what I'm doing
  12. domino

    domino Welcome to Detailing

  13. 02blackout

    02blackout DB Forum Supporter

    Like my man Jon said, I still gotta try my Ezyme too ;) lol
    I'm using it tomorrow on an older Porsche 911. Ill let you know how it goes. but $275 for 16oz isnt bad though. RBOE is hard as hell to get off, doesnt have very good beading though. Get PowerLock for sure. EXTREMELY easy to put on and all you need to do is drag a MF across the surface to get it off, no pressure! Its that easy. Good luck!
  14. BrendanS

    BrendanS Welcome to Detailing

    You definitely have me interested on the supernatural. What was tricky about the application?
    Sounds good, keep me updated.
  15. luke093

    luke093 Welcome to Detailing

    BTW its not 16oz, its 8oz. Common mistake in CG wording and website organization. And 5050 is 9.3oz, not 16oz like some people assume.

    Good info to have, as its easy to make these mistakes.
  16. detailjohn

    detailjohn Detailers Advertising Scheme

    Dodo Supernatural is fantastic. One of my all time faves.
  17. BrendanS

    BrendanS Welcome to Detailing

    Ah.. thanks for the correction
    Any particular reason why?
  18. Hostage1978

    Hostage1978 Guest

    I have SuperNatural.

    While I do like the results I've gotten with it, it tends to haze up that evening after application. It's fine for me, but I wouldn't want to deal with that on a customer car. True, the hazing can be due to heavier application. You should be very very familiar with the application of SN before you slap it onto a customers ride.

    As for RBOE, this thread is the first I've ever really heard of weak beading characteristics. I think this is my next purchase.

    Its tough to get a good feel for durability from the experience of others. Some waxes hold up to exposure to sunlight, some hold up to lots of rain better. Finish upkeep is going to be the biggie- I know I'm doing a minimum of one ONR/week with a late night rinse off with the pollen season in full effect here in the Northeast.

    Should we make an LSP exchange on DB? I'd send out a few samples of stuff I have if I could get my hands on some RBOE, Vintage, whatever. If some people are into that, maybe we can all get the same size containers and start trying some new things!

    DetailJon- please expand. To be honest, I think I may be missing something.
  19. BrendanS

    BrendanS Welcome to Detailing

    I still have a hard time applying LSP thin as I'm used to applying 845 with a shovel:crasy:. So it just needs to go on extremely thin?
  20. Hostage1978

    Hostage1978 Guest

    i've applied SN thin enough after 3-4 improper applications. again, the results were my fault. user error. but the amount i use to stop the haze-up is just ultra thin. i constantly question my application unless it's being applied in a garage on dark paint...and it's tough to always have the deck stacked in your favor like that.

    the results are great, don't misunderstand. but freshly prepped paint puts that twinkle in my eye anyway!

    if i get a chance, maybe i'll take a few pics next time i apply.

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