Uh-oh...Opening a can of worms/ Creating a Monster

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by MuttGrunt, Feb 11, 2010.

  1. MuttGrunt

    MuttGrunt Birth of a Detailer

    OK guys, most of us are fans of quality products whether they're expensive and therefor exclusive, or cheap and affordable. As long as the stuff works for its designed purpose - I think we all can appreciate the diversity of product ranges in the detailing community.

    Some of our favorite and most often used supplies are also some of our cheapest: Meguiar's Glass Cleaner / APC / Degreaser concentrates which work out to be anywhere from $.19 to $1.60 a bottle, so trust me when I say we're not strangers to affordable quality products. That being said; there's a place for expensive items that generate buzz.

    My personal feeling is that just because something gets the same job done for a much higher cost doesn't mean it's not worth the higher cost. You can't measure everything using the same ruler. If you want to run sub 10 second passes in the 1/4 mile, there are multiple ways of doing so. One solution is buying a Hayabusa, another is buying a Twin-Turbo Gallardo.

    That being said, I am quite excited for some new things that just arrived as well as some new LSP offers we'll have available to our clients in 2010 :D




    In addition to the wax on top, it was cool going to a local event at the Henry Ford Museum that had the exact car that the wax was was based off displayed:



    and of course:


    I'll be sure to post up how each of these goes and what I think about them once I get the chance to try them. Thanks for looking and may we all have a great 2010
  2. Pats300zx

    Pats300zx Official DB Moderator

    Those Zymol brushes suck !!!! Mine didn't last at all. My two Swissvax brushes I got from Phil are still going strong even after tons of uses.
  3. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    Sweet to see that Bugatti! Was it wearing Royale too?

    I'm assuming that's Opticoating.
  4. pushtiulk

    pushtiulk Guest

    many zymol items :)
  5. Twisted007

    Twisted007 Banned

    very nice car an products ya got there.
  6. Dangler

    Dangler Birth of a Detailer

    I was so close to pulling the trigger on that exact sampler 3 pack, when Zymol had the 25% off sale...just didn't have the funds.
  7. corrswitch

    corrswitch Jedi Nuba

    what's the syringe for? Is it Opti-coat?

    excuse my ignorance.
  8. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    I was going to buy it as well, until they decided not to offer the refills.
  9. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    That's some nice stuff there mate!
  10. eyezack87

    eyezack87 Guest

    Nice pick ups. I picked up Kit #2 :)
  11. kustomizingkid

    kustomizingkid Nuba Guru


    I want some Opticoating... bad!!!
  12. MuttGrunt

    MuttGrunt Birth of a Detailer

    Our Swissvax brushes failed on us: split on the red housing that holds the bristles together. We figured that for 3 bucks cheaper they were worth a shot. Worst case scenario, they last as long as the SV ones ;)

    Yes indeed. We hate to put orders in unless we're going to make it worth it in size.

    Much appreciated Twisted

    I hear you. Luckily this was something Jacob and I had been discussing for several months (offering a luxury wax). After much research to include polling of established high end detailers like Bob Willis, this seemed to be the best solution to try it out.

    Sorry! I forgot to make it more clear - yes that is Opti-Coat. We're not ready to offer it to clients yet though. We want to test it ourselves to insure the quality of what we're trying to sell first. It'll likely be used on the work truck :)

    I know there was quite a bit of buzz about this awhile back, but in our opinion; it's still worth it. Once the cost is broken down per ounce, it's even more apparent its a great deal than before looking deeper. I'm sure if there were refills that A LOT of people would have joined in on this much sooner.
  13. MuttGrunt

    MuttGrunt Birth of a Detailer

    Much appreciated P1et ;)

    Kit #2 is a STEAL. Breaking down the cost of the waxes included per ounce, it's a better deal than #3 is. For us however, we didn't really need anymore wax unless it was going to be something rare we normally wouldn't have tried/used.

    Well I know there are some reviews out there to include David Fermani's big test of the stuff that's on going, but we'll surely keep folks updated on how it lasts on the work truck.
  14. kustomizingkid

    kustomizingkid Nuba Guru

    I'm really interested in it for door jams and other spots that need more durability than looks... from what I've seen the looks are kind of meh...
  15. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    I have been wanting Atlantique sooooooooooooo bad!

    Nice stuff Matt!
  16. Cooter

    Cooter Guest

    Nice pick up there!!
  17. MuttGrunt

    MuttGrunt Birth of a Detailer

    Very much so. I'm not even worried about the look this stuff gives - its all about durability.

    Fixed! and much appreciated ;)

    Here's a short break down of cost per oz of some of the real high end crazy nuba's out there.

    Zymol Atlantique: Listed for $1358 on zymol.com for 8oz.
    $ 169.75 per oz (Vintage breaks down to $99.27)

    Zymol Royale: Listed for $8416 on zymol.com for 44oz. *refillable
    $ 191.27 per oz

    Swissvax Divine: listed for $2890 on detailersdomain.com for 13.53oz
    $ 213.60 per oz

  18. d00t

    d00t Welcome to Detailing

    Mark, my most-used swissvax brush that's for the wheels split at the red plastic too. But what's funny, I actually like it more WITHOUT it. I make the bristles a bit more flexible and longer :LOL:
  19. MuttGrunt

    MuttGrunt Birth of a Detailer

    lol Aaron. Well... I'm certainly not going to throw mine away, but I figured I'd try that Swiss brush's American counterpart. I figure I'll be ordering another couple SV ones down the line regardless. These things have so many great uses
  20. HPIA4v2

    HPIA4v2 Birth of a Detailer

    That'll piss people who pay $8K for genuine Royale wax :p:

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