Wearing a mask while polishing?

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by scheerspeed, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. zzyzx47

    zzyzx47 Virgin Detailer

    I was speaking with the chemist at Mark V. He said that most manufacturers are going away from using silica abrasives because it is linked to silicosis. He said Mark V's insurance company won't provide liability insurance for products with crystalline silica in them. So, they have re-formulated all of their compounds to comply.

    Then he explained silicosis. Kind of gross. The abrasive goes into your lungs and scratches the lung tissue. Then the lung tissue heals and has scarring. So, your lung doesn't expand and contract or absorb the air as efficiently. After years of doing this, you have significantly lowered to ability to absorb air.

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