Thoughts on ONR

Discussion in 'Pre Wash, Wash, Decon, Claying, Engine, Wheels, an' started by tcope, Jan 31, 2010.

  1. tcope

    tcope Virgin Detailer

    Let me just say, I LOVE ONR. I think its a great product but I also see a downside to it that I've not seen mentioned. It leaves streaks/residue. When I wash the glass and dry it off I notice some streaking. It's not bad but it's not like a QT product. With that said, I've also tried at as a QD as mentioned in the label. I think it pretty much fails in this regard. Again, it streaks. Its not that big of a deal when used as a wash but I'd recommend against using it as a QD.
  2. Obsessive Detail

    Obsessive Detail Pro Detailer - Lifetime Member

    The only time I ever got any streaking with ONR is when it was diluted too strong.
  3. Nica

    Nica Banned

    I agree ONR is a blessing, specially during winter :nod: :nod:
  4. Minicoop831

    Minicoop831 Birth of a Detailer

    I find it great as a QD I just wiped my dads black Porsche which has been sitting in the garage for more than a year(QD'd monthly), there was a mildly think layer of dust, so we pulled the car out of the garage to warm it up, I used ONR and got no steaks and the surface of the car was very warm from the sun

    Maybe your dilution ratios are off?
  5. RNickolas

    RNickolas Obsessive Detailer

    i use 2 oz / 2 gallons and i dont get streaking (i have black cars i wanna make sure i have enough polymers lol)
  6. MrPolished&Waxed

    MrPolished&Waxed Obsessive Detailer

    I use 2 capfulls for 4 gallons
  7. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

    I use it on my black car and I have never experienced any streaking. You might need to dilute it some more.
  8. Aesop

    Aesop Jedi Nuba

    I was honestly debating using ONR as my foam. Letting it sit and then washing the car with it. It just seems like the most painless wash process.
  9. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    It's weird that you're getting streaking... are you diluting it correctly?
  10. JakeZ34

    JakeZ34 Virgin Detailer

    I have a bottle of it sitting in my garage but I'm always debating to use it or not to wash my car, I live in SoCal, they don't have a water restriction so I always end up busting out the pressure washer and the 2 bucket method lol.
  11. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

    I pre-soak (ONR @ clay lube strength) each panel before I perform the ONR ritual. Try it and let us know how it works out!!
  12. cleanfiend

    cleanfiend Jedi Nuba

    how do you guys measure out ONR? is the cap about 1oz or something?
  13. GDAL

    GDAL Guest

    I never trust cap readings. I went to walmart and got myself a really small measuring cup (4 ouncer) that fits in my pocket.

    I can tell that I'm using less solution of everything I own ... the OCD in me sometimes pays off!!

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