hi there, just came back from a 2 day detail on a bugatti veyron :hippie::yikes: this car is just.....OMG! car had just a few thousand k's on the clock and was in pretty good shape. nevertheless it took ages for the entire correction process. used all machines i had, such as the makita, a DAP and the rotex. polishes i mainly used were FCP and ultrafina. some spots really needed close to 2000rpms to get rid of some deep scratches which was quite exciting as i knew that one slight mistake could really be damn expensive on this monster anyways...i have uploaded a little video from day one which you can see here: YouTube - Veyron Day 1 took i dont know how many pix the last two days and another videoclip as well which i'll be happy to show you later on cheers mac
final video shot is up now YouTube - Bugatti Veyron detailed - Final shot still waitin for the dslr pix the dealer took afterwards though. will add them as soon as i got them
Excellant work and video on a great looking car. I didn't think the Veyron sounded all that great but the music on the video was good.
Fantastic and excellent choice of music....Care to share the names and artists/mixes for the tunes? Looking forward to the pics :thumb: