CR Spotless Resin - Time to Change?

Discussion in 'Tools - Machine Polishers, Pressure Washers, Detai' started by BJsBuds, Jan 10, 2010.

  1. BJsBuds

    BJsBuds Guest

    The meter on my CR Spotless is reading near 30 ppm. According to the CR instructions you should change resin at this time.

    I decided to replace them today. But, when looking at the cartridges, with half dark resin and half light resin, I started wondering if there was life left?

    What do you think? Photo below.

    Attached Files:

  2. trl2112

    trl2112 Two Bucket System Washer

    It's a "mixed" resin bed of two different types of resin beads. (I don't have the specifics of both materials offhand) That's the way it should look. You have clear cartridges nice, mine are white.
  3. BJsBuds

    BJsBuds Guest

    I only received one type of replacement resin with my CR Spotless, Mixed Ion Exchange. Are you saying that I should have a bag of another type of resin to mix with the two bags I received?
  4. bvhbmw

    bvhbmw Birth of a Detailer

    I think your wife will kill you for bringing "that filthy thing" into "my living room".
  5. trl2112

    trl2112 Two Bucket System Washer

    No you have the right replacement, it's a mix of anion and cation resins. The cation resin changes color (becomes dark) when exhausted, while the anion resin does not.
  6. togwt

    togwt Nuba Guru

    The CR Spotless System
    DI100WM provides approximately 100 gallons of mineral-free, de-ionized water that will provide spot-free vehicle washing and remove hard water minerals, based on your water input quality. The resin used is a mixed-bed resin, which means the anion and cation resin is mixed.

    Consisting of two 10-inch de-ionization housings that feature replaceable cartridges that simply slide into the watertight tubes, this unit can be mounted next to your hose bib and comes with pre-drilled mounting holes. Using a cat ion/anion mixture; you get twice the filter life than the mixed bed which comes with the unit.

    The cationic resin goes in one chamber and the anion resin goes in the other. You won't get the 0 PPM reading that you would get with the mixed bed, but it'll be around 5 PPM (spotless if less than, 25-30PPM)

    Input TDS Level Expected Yield
    50 PPM 1600 gallons
    100 PPM 800 gallons
    200 PPM 400 gallons
  7. JLs Detailing

    JLs Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    If they were seperated into two chambers that would be great because you could do a quick regeneration yourself with some caustic and some acid. I deal with de-ionized water everyday in my profession and have written about it a lot on here if someone wants a more detailed explanation of how it really works.

    BJs I've never seen my spent resins look like that and I've changed them out probably 4 times. Unless you are in dire need of doing some washes before you could get a re-fill I'd just wait until I got a refill and start over. I wish they were seperated as then just a little acid and some sodium hydroxide and you could have them regenerated in no time.
  8. BJsBuds

    BJsBuds Guest

    I have dumped out one of the chambers, but have not touched the other, other than to take a picture. My system has two chambers, and I have two identical bags of mixed ion exchange. Are you suggesting I replace the one chamber with the replacement since I have emptied it, and just leave the other alone for now?
  9. JLs Detailing

    JLs Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    You can do that as I did it once as a little experiment, but it really doesn't give you that much more life before you will see the TDS meter reading above 20 again. Then you put the other one in the one you didn't replace the first time and you'll get more life again but I didn't think I got as much total life out of doing it that way as opposed to just replacing both of them and starting anew. Tried it once and went back to just replacing them both when I replace.

    I know you are like me over your car and you'll be much happier just replacing them and starting out fresh again, because the first water spot you see on that beautiful 5 series you'll swear it came from not just changing out both chambers, LOL. By the way I love that avatar!
  10. kustomizingkid

    kustomizingkid Nuba Guru

    I really want to get this system... water spots make me angry...
  11. k1msta

    k1msta Guest

    sry for off topic well maybe it is same..
    the cr spotless in costco is that the small cartridges or the big..?
    on picture it looks like the long size one but on writing it sounds like the small one.
  12. k1msta

    k1msta Guest

    double post lag spike
  13. BJsBuds

    BJsBuds Guest

    Imagine that! :thumb:

    What camera do you use?
  14. matrix_808

    matrix_808 DB Supporter

    The CR Spotless that comes with 2 canisters, do you get 100 gallons of filtered water per canister or is it the total for the unit (2 canisters)?
  15. d00t

    d00t Welcome to Detailing

    My understanding was the DIC-10 was 100 gallons and the DIC-20 was 200 gallons. Maybe I'm wrong?
  16. BJsBuds

    BJsBuds Guest

    I purchased mine from Costco and it has two long cannisters.
  17. willjco

    willjco DB Forum Supporter

    The ones at costco are the big ones
  18. k1msta

    k1msta Guest

    thx.. getting back $200 reward back, CR spotless here i come!

    one question do you guys also buy the resin from them also? or do you guys know better cheaper place?
  19. willjco

    willjco DB Forum Supporter

    That is the cheapest price i have seen anywhere
  20. imaj

    imaj Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I have found Costco to have the best prices on resin refills.

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