Gift cards expire?

Discussion in 'Detailers Domain' started by d00t, Jan 8, 2010.

  1. d00t

    d00t Welcome to Detailing

    Hey Phil,

    My gf got me a gift card as a stocking stuffer--I was just curious, do they expire?
  2. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

    yes they do. well some do so read on back of it or call the company. i heard funny comercial on radio about this. if it does expire ask her if she thinks the same about your relationship if it expires(that was the comerial lol)
  3. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    no that I know of...never heard of gift cards expiring...
  4. HomeChicken

    HomeChicken Two Bucket System Washer

    It against the law for gift cards to expire in California, which is why we don't really have to deal with it. I'm not sure how the law works for companies based in other states....

    Gift Cards
  5. d00t

    d00t Welcome to Detailing

    Well I meant his gift cards.. not just any gift cards :p
  6. Jedidiah

    Jedidiah Guest

    for phil it is just a code for the website. i would like to know too. i got one as well :)

    and lots of GC's now deduct monthly fees if you hold a balance for more than a year.
  7. detailersdomain

    detailersdomain Administrator

    they do not.
  8. d00t

    d00t Welcome to Detailing


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