Very Comprehensive Compound Chart

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by Misha, Dec 31, 2009.

  1. Misha

    Misha Nuba Guru

  2. kustomizingkid

    kustomizingkid Nuba Guru

    I don't think 1z IP cuts anywhere near where Menzerna PG cuts... but thats me...
  3. Handz

    Handz Obsessive Detailer

    Where do you think 1z IP Should be placed by?
  4. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    Close to Menz SIP. Maybe a little more cut than that.
  5. kustomizingkid

    kustomizingkid Nuba Guru

    Bingo... literally exactly what I was going to say!
  6. reefer_bob

    reefer_bob Obsessive Detailer

    Nice chart!
  7. mutmanns

    mutmanns DB Forum Supporter

    I am surprised that the Griot's #1 is rated that close to M105 and Powergloss in the cut category. I had more luck with SIP cutting than I did the Griot's #1. Maybe it was my technique :shead:
  8. dunncsu

    dunncsu Two Bucket System Washer

    was not you. #1 in my opinion has no cut at all. I think the ratings of the griots polishes are way off. Personally i think the griots polishes suck so i could be biased.

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