The official what you got for Christmas thread

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by RNickolas, Dec 25, 2009.

  1. lifemal

    lifemal Wax on..Wax off

    My parents helped us out with a bit of residual wedding debt, a great gift that means more to me than they realize. I'm that much closer to my goals for 2010 already :)
  2. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    That is sooooooo awesome! Congrats on the accomplishment.
  3. VooDoo

    VooDoo Birth of a Detailer

    Treated myself (oh and he wife and kids of course) to a 58" V10 full HD Panasonic plazma and a DMPBD80 bluray player
  4. zoomzoom mazda5

    zoomzoom mazda5 Wax on..Wax off

    Number one present! great to hear Dust. :thumb:
  5. grease

    grease Birth of a Detailer

    Just a hint from another amateur photography enthusiast. Try taking photos in full auto mode, and then checking the EXIF data later to see what settings the camera used. This can give you an idea of what settings choices you can use.
  6. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    thanks, m really excited to be able to save some of the money that was going to pay off my house. a great start to a new decade
  7. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    My wife and I got a trip to the hospital's maternity ward, but it was just a false alarm. :doh: No baby yet, but we are almost there.
  8. richy

    richy Guest

    I don't remember to be honest. It's in a dark octoganal bottle..I like it.
  9. richy

    richy Guest

    As in house mortgage? Good Lord man, what an incredible gift!! Now's the time since you're young to HEAVILY invest. Start with topping off your 09 TFSA for 5G's and try to do the same for '10. That is the best investment a Canadian can make right now.
  10. Calgarydetail

    Calgarydetail Getting to know Detailing

    yeah my home mortgage, come feb 1 myself and two brothers will own ou r house outright. it was a gift none of us expected. Heck my mom didnt even know it was comming.

    I agree tfsa are great, i do have some of my investment in one. I am very lucky I great fincial advice from pops. that is one area is is smart. im very lucky to have that resource

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