Does anyone know the difference or can recommend which one of the High line paint gauges to get? First gen or the 2nd ? they both seem to be the same. Thanks guys. Bob
I have the 2nd generation one. Just keep in mind, it will not read paint depth on plastic abs or fiberglass. On metal it works average.
I would say after calibration there is about a 5% range of error. This is based off the test strips they provide. I've found that the lower the reading, the more accurate it is, which is a good thing.
have HL II as well. works great for me. for $225 cant go wrong, yeah lower the reading more acurate it is. mine usualy about 3% acuracy according to test strips. if you dont wana spend a lot you can get cen-tech which could be found on ebay under $100 usually but not as easy to use as HLII here is my review on cen-tech
I would go with highline II combo or the poitest combo my meters got stolen an i have since been replacing stuff an these are my 1st two meters i'm getting.
+1 on the Highline II. Excellent gauge for the money and it appears to be within the stated accuracy specification when measuring the supplied foils :thumb: