About my recent posts, please read

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by dsms, Nov 15, 2009.

  1. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    people love to bitch.. i wouldnt pay any mind to them . if you have time to post a full write up . do so if not . thats fine. keep upthe great work !

  2. Dannyk

    Dannyk Jedi Nuba

    Shame to read what occurred, hopefully as time moves on the feelings will quell and pass on.
    Throughly enjoyed what you have done for the detailing community. Taking the time out for the vivid details and hints on products to help the process is appreciated. My thanks to you and all you do.
  3. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    Come on Dave we both know there is more to this than just what you are claiming. I am not giving you a hard time nor will I discuss this on the forum so the thread doesn't go a bad way.
  4. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    +1. Well put.
  5. willjco

    willjco DB Forum Supporter

    Dave, I don't blame you for doing this. There are some real jerks in the world. Thanks for all the information you have shared and the wonderful post and write up, they sure helped me get started.
  6. ahwil_lim

    ahwil_lim Wax on..Wax off

    I also like to read the full write up & photos before after ... it does help a lot to newbie like me ... Im new here, been read quite few full write up by DSMS so far. to be fair, not everyone do the full write up like dsms did, so I will respect your decision.
  7. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    i.ll be happy with just tons of pics of the mc12, dave. that one, i.ll be more concerned with the pics than the products/process that.s for sure. :)
  8. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter

    You will have them. Need some time on that writeup however.
  9. Carn

    Carn Welcome to Detailing

    Maybe I view things differently, but I feel that sure, if you've come up with, or stumbled upon some or other fantastic technique/process/product, then by all means keep it to yourself. If on the other hand it is simply a case of omitting already known info then whats the point? The info is plastered all over the web, you just need to look for it.

    If no-one shared info then these online communities wouldn't exist, the day everyone takes that same stance will be a sad day indeed.

    At the end of the day however it is your prerogative what you choose to share :thumb:

    PS, for what it's worth. I am of the opinion that the majority of the guys who withhold details about their products and/or techniques all use off the shelf, everyday stuff. It's simply a case of wanting to uphold the 'mythical' aura that they are obtaining the results from a means other than hours spent perfecting their techniques. Sure there may be one or 2 secret products in here or there, but for the most part I feel it simply comes down to practice, practice and more practice :applause2:
  10. Auto Concierge

    Auto Concierge DB Pro Supporter

    In this particular case you have one person who is the source of many problems, what was happening is this guy would denegrate but then copy product for product and the exact order of said products like a little kid who copies every move you make(ie: you touch your face, they touch their face or repeat everything you say word for word) at first it is humerous...... then when it goes on and on it is not so humerous,and worse when this person is TRYING to compete with you in your market why give them the answers to the test?? let them figure it out like I had to.

    Of course this forum is for the exchange of information on detailing, but like anything one person can ruin it for the whole community. Some but not all of the products are things all of us use on every correction, however a few techniques and new products that not everyone knows about can make a difference in the outcome of a correction job.

    I talked for quite a while with JL last night, enlightening him on some of the details of why,where and what.......... and he was I believe suprised to hear the real story on a few things and had a perception of Dave and myself which was skewed but now with explanations on certain facts it changes everything.
  11. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing


    I believe you need to do what is best for you and your situation.

    Am I disappointed that the write-ups won't be as detailed? Yes.

    Will I bash you about it? No. I can always just send you a PM if I really want to know something you did, or used.

    You post up some very nice work, and you have a great attention to detail, not just in your work, but your write-ups as well.

    I understand write-ups are time consuming, and that's why I don't have a ton of work posted on DB.

    I hope you stick around, and contribute to the site more, in whatever fashion you deem necessary.
  12. MoeMistry

    MoeMistry Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    My 2 cents....the more education is out there, the better for everyone. There are always going to be those that will steal your idea, claim it to be theirs, claim they're better, so on and so on. At the end of the day, there are more reasons why a client would come to you than your competition. I for one know several detailers in my area that have bought the same stuff as me, some even say they've fixed cars I've worked on, etc. There's one that even bought my company name as a google adword...The way I look at it is people will know your name by referrals from your core clients. Clients come and go, and those that switch to someone LIKE you were never your true client to begin with. Don't fret the small stuff. Some of the greatest people in history were open about their work. Keep doing what you do, enjoy what you do, and don't be afraid to share your passion with those of us that enjoy detailing as an art. :support:
  13. MuttGrunt

    MuttGrunt Birth of a Detailer

    sorry to see things come to this for you Dave, but I think I and the rest of the detailing community look forward to your full return bro
  14. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    I think this clarifies it more than what was said. Thanks Bob. Knowing this I would understand if Dave doesn't want to post information.
  15. Carn

    Carn Welcome to Detailing

    Heya Bob,

    Don't get me wrong, I feel that it is Dave's prerogative as to what what details he chooses to share in his online write-ups. The same applies to everyone on here, be they weekend warriors one of the many 'masters of the art'. I too have omitted certain details in the past in order to maintain a small 'competitive edge' over local competition, I don't see anything wrong with it. It is after all the just rewards for having spent considerable time and effort researching the trade and honing your skills, not to mention the costs associated with testing hordes of different products to find the ones that work best for you.

    For the most part however, I feel it boils down to is this:

    Even if Michaelangelo himself sat down and did a write-up on how he painted the Sistine Chapel, along with hordes of photo's and a youtube video, I doubt there would be many people who could then go out and re-create his work. Sure there would be many imitators but very few would have the skills and experience to pull it off to the same level. I guess what I am trying to say is that despite using the same products and following the same sequence, I am certain the end results will be very different due to the experience of the operator, etc

    There will always be copy cats, and in this particular case it seems as if one of them has taken things to far. I hope for everyone who is involved's sake that the issue can be resolved :thumb:
  16. richy

    richy Guest

    Dave..you know the old saying I'm sure "you can paint 1000 pictures and it doesn't make you a painter, but S**k one C**K" and...well you know the rest. I hate drama...I just try to ignore stupidity. Luckily it's only happened to me here once and they guy was a dick and got banned anyway so it wasn't just me who had a problem with him.
  17. togwt

    togwt Nuba Guru

    [I believe you need to do what is best for you and your situation. ]

    Sometime it doesn't matter what you do, someone will think it's too much information or not enough.

    If they complain to me I always offer them a refund of the price they paid for the information ;)
  18. togwt

    togwt Nuba Guru

    [For the most part however, I feel it boils down to is this:

    Even if Michaelangelo himself sat down and did a write-up on how he painted the Sistine Chapel, along with hordes of photo's and a youtube video, I doubt there would be many people who could then go out and re-create his work. Sure there would be many imitators but very few would have the skills and experience to pull it off to the same level. I guess what I am trying to say is that despite using the same products and following the same sequence, I am certain the end results will be very different due to the experience of the operator, etc]

    Agree 100% - Some people are born with talent but no one is born with experience; to gain experience start by doing it.
  19. michakaveli

    michakaveli Welcome to Detailing

    Well said Jon. :thumb:

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