The Complete Detail: Laguna's 2005 PBM 18" Goat

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by Laguna, Sep 11, 2009.

  1. Laguna

    Laguna Guest

    Any questions let me know...

    This was all done by hand. Plain and simple. This is proof that you do NOT HAVE to have a machine. A machine does make so much better results and takes care of a lot more, but to achieve any results, it can be done. The pictures prove it, so let them do the talking.

    Will talk through the steps throughout the pictures:

    This car got washed 2 weeks ago and since I was under emotional issues, I rushed. I was more doing it to vent/get my mind off of things. During that time some pavement from roadwork nearby got stuck in my mitt and I washed the whole car without 2 buckets. This is what I did to my baby. Thank god today came and I made it look even better than before. ;)


    Included Dawn soap to remove all prior polish work and bring me down to the clear coat. See the after pictures of the clear coat only, this car really does have a great paint job even though they made it weak in such places like the front bumper. Hence so many damn chips in mine! I used Adam's washing mitt, the two-bucket method with a grit guard in the rinse bucket. Also used a foam gun which I love so much, lol. My drying off process included me going 85mph on the local road.


    I started to use Adam's detail spray and I'm sorry (no offense Dylan), but I love Zaino Z6 so much more. The Adam's was doing crap with my clear coat. The Zaino Z6 made it much more lubricated and smoothed on so much better. I also used vinegar to clean off all water spots and contaminants on my paint. (I did not do clay bar this time around because after feeling my paint and checking it all out, it didn't need it, plus I didn't have the time to do so).


    Can you say new love with Menzerna PO203. Holy moly good gracious ms. molly. This things did so friggin good on my paint. Goodbye Z-PC. You will be used on other peoples cars that I detail. I then topped it off with a very thin coat of Z5 and then a paper thing coat of Z2. Can you say holy crap to the flakes just POPPING out. I seriously just wanted to rub my hand all over the car and feel how awesome it looked.


    Topped it all off with SigII wax. Man this stuff smells great and damn does it go on smooth with Zaino and come off easily. Virtually no buffing or elbow grease needed. It just made those metallic flakes POP even more, more than I could ever imagine.



    This baby looks so beautiful now I am ashamed that I do not have my own place with a garage to keep it in and a 2nd car to use during bad weather. It's going to suck even mroe this winter when driving around with disgusting (edited by Nica please watch your mouth around here) on my car and knowing how good it looks, but it's what has to be done and as soon as spring is around, we'll be doing this dance again!

  2. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    The end result looks good, but you either put or didn't remove the holograms which I saw on the hood and presumably on the rest of the car.
  3. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    Definitely an improvement. Now, only imagine what you could achieve with a PC/Flex/ or rotary.
  4. Chas

    Chas DB Forum Supporter

    definitely looks good and gave it a nice shine but like Reflect said some holograms were evident on the hood. Also, I don't know if this is true so please someone correct me if I am wrong but I think P0203 has oils in it that tend to make it have some slight filling properties, again I could be wrong. Great job thought definitely shows hard work was put in.
  5. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    Most polishes do, and you probably are correct. He brought some of the gloss back but odds are that the oils from the polish and the LSP's filled in most of the swirls. You need some REAL friction to break that polish down and cut into the clearcoat.
  6. Laguna

    Laguna Guest

    What are holograms? Sorry that is the first time I have heard of that term.

    Trust me guys, I'm waiting on the day I get a PC and I will never look back. Going to be some time though as finances are tough since I started college on Wednesday and I'm putting 400 miles a week on this car now.

    It's at 70k miles btw. :)
  7. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    You notice the kind of smokey/pale/hologram looking lines across your hood when you take a picture? You should see nothing. That is micro-marring from the polish not being able to be broken down correctly. You definitely need to invest in at least a PC in the near future when detailing other people's cars to do a true correction.
  8. Laguna

    Laguna Guest

    Would you mind doing me a favor and editing a picture for me with arrows talking to what you're speaking about. I think you might be mentioning the marks that are still left as I kind of suck at buffing, lol. I usually have to get rid of the marks and streaks and leftover stuff for about 30 minutes. I haven't come close to perfecting that step, lol.

    EDIT: I see what you speak of now. That is just leftover from not buffing or marks from the buffing that I did not do correctly like I said. Look at the last and final picture. That is almost 100% no marks on it and as clean as I could get it.
  9. ahwil_lim

    ahwil_lim Wax on..Wax off

    anyway, Great improvement & welldone Laguna ...its considered only by barehand ... of course, some defects are still there ... Yes, I could see the hologram on hood as well ... but I cant see the hologram after pictures on hood, why? hehe ... sorry ... newbie as well ... I also detail my car by hand so far .. PC will coming soon ...
  10. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    I know what you guys are talking about and my guess is that its just residue from the products. Wipe er down with some Qd and you should be good to go.
  11. Laguna

    Laguna Guest

    If it is what I am looking at, then that is what it is.
  12. Erik Mejia

    Erik Mejia Obsessive Detailer

    Work smarter, not harder... get a polisher. On a side note, you should try M105 or 205 by hand... they kick serious but when working by hand. Good job.:thumb:
  13. Ch40t1c

    Ch40t1c Obsessive Detailer

    Dude! Very nice job, excellent write up and great final product - lovin' the license plate. Right arm pretty strong now? :giggle:
  14. kustomizingkid

    kustomizingkid Nuba Guru

    Looks great man!

    The only thing I would do if I were you is get a glaze that you can apply by hand until you can get a PC...
  15. Domman56

    Domman56 Birth of a Detailer

    U've got to be kidding me! You actually used dishsoap on your car? Dude don't do thattt!!!!!. THat's the first thing all detailers learn. It takes off all the protection and messes with ur paint man. And the result is Okk is it one of your first details?
  16. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    In regards to not having the funds to buy a polisher: do one or two details for friends/family and you'll make that money back in no time.
  17. lbls1

    lbls1 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    That is an ambitious detailing job. Hats off to you for tackling a tough job by hand. It reminds me of the old days. Nice color and lsp result. Cute dogs!
  18. Laguna

    Laguna Guest

    The reason I used it was to take off all prior polish and wax and bring me down to my clear coat.
  19. Domman56

    Domman56 Birth of a Detailer

    Haha alright Makin sure you knew it was gonna take all ur polish and stuff off:sorry:

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