I'm simply disgusted...

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by anbuzero, Aug 28, 2009.

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  1. Got Wax

    Got Wax Banned

    I'm happy to read that I'm not the only one who had it with Autopia. You post a question and get a pile of BS from the peanut gallery.

    DB here is, thus far, a tad more friendly.

  2. anbuzero

    anbuzero DB Pro Supporter

    It was regarding my registration which was done through a form so I'm not blaming anyone in particular. But the one or two times i did a direct email it was to David so my apologies to you, I didnt mean to sound harsh, just stating that I didnt feel the same love on that forum as I do here. For the record I did some reading and found that there are many many trolls on that forum and few mods so i understand if the lack of response it due to the amount of feedback you guys get.

    Thanks for your response, I feel its only fair for someone to play devils advocate, but also I would like to explain my reason for posting this here. At first when the OP posted in response to my post, directly offending me i was simply going to ignore it. but i checked back later and saw that he had directly attacked the DB community and i felt that the members here deserved to see what was posted. I am in no way hiding behind this forum or anything like that. Do I want to avoid unnecessary drama and flame wars? Yes i do, I believe the OP was an idiot for posting what he did and felt it was strong enough where it should be posted here. I may be wrong about my decision but its my opinion and i feel I am entitled to it.
  3. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    This is so timely and true^^^My neighbor was out today polishing(Hand) his ride. I went over to see what was up, As soon as I approached there it was, a tub of Turtle Wax :yikes:

    I told him he could have some of my stuff to use, He declined saying"I've been using TW for over 35 years, and its never let me down" :shakehead:
    Meanwhile he's sweatin bulletts, moaning/groaning and the such. I witnessed about 15 minutes of this and went back to work :buffing:
  4. flash gordon

    flash gordon Banned

    Hey Man, can you hook me up with 1 of those Bowling Jumpsuits I see in your Avatar. That thing is sweeeeet :applause2:
  5. richy

    richy Guest

    There's been some great responses to this thread. I just wanted to throw in my two cents from a professional point of view. Obviously by my avatar (and most of you know) I am in Law Enforcement. What goes with that territory is dealing with the public. I have been called every name in the book. It has not bothered me for years. I remember once we had a guy under arrest and in cuffs (1st clue who the loser is) and he is saying every possible thing he can to get my goat, but it wasn't working and I kept ignoring him. Finally through exasperation, he asks why I am not responding to his insults. I just looked at him momentarily and said "what makes you think I care about what a piece of shit like you has to say?" and then looked away. I completely dismissed him and he went nuts. That's the point though....why do you care what some idiot has to say? Is he a peer? I think not. Is he a respected member of the forum? I think not. His opinion is worthless and your time is too valuable to waste stooping to his level. Jon (TOGWT) nailed it with his expression. Only your customers' and your respected peers' opinions should matter to you, period.
  6. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    I agree. Now where did I put my Vintage? :catfight:
  7. SpecC

    SpecC Wax on..Wax off

    Well you can't go down from Turtle wax...
  8. FJF

    FJF Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    The thread in question is titled "Favorite inexpensive OTC products." Some are unwilling to spend more than the bare minimum and/or go through the trouble of ordering online. The thread was started in hopes of getting those folks involved in detailing. It was meant to highlight inexpensive, easily found OTC products of superior quality that would help utter noobs begin working on their cars. It was intended to guide those folks away from lesser quality goods toward the better offerings on the shelves.

    Personally, as a detailing enthusiast, I was hoping that some would try a few of the recommended products, become encouraged by the results, and take the pursuit to a higher level. While the OP's suggestion of Natty's Red would have been fine in any other thread, it didn't fit the intent of the discussion. His gross unfamiliarity with the topic as a whole didn't help, either. It's unfortunate that he felt the need to run here for comfort, in lieu of standing up and addressing the issue directly. He could have at least sent me a PM with a link to this thread and allowed me to respond in a timely manner. As such, I'm a bit late to the festivities.

    FWIW, I own a multitude of products, 95% boutique/pro. Some seem to think that I dislike DG, when it's the exact opposite. I'm using that as an example, because I wish Nica left the link to the thread intact, so that more of you could see the flow of the discussion. Just as I'm sure that most didn't know that the thread focused solely on OTC offerings.

    As a stroke of coincidence, the detail that I posted here featured DG105 as the LSP. It was later topped with Natty's Red, the very same wax that served as a catalyst for all this. Funny how things work out.

    As for my opinion of the prevailing tone on this forum, it is what it is. If you can't deal with something as benign as an alternate viewpoint, I'd hate to see how some of you cope with life's daily grind. Ironically, the TW references in this thread support what I said - no need to try TWPUG (paste and QD), just condemn the products based on brand identification. Ridiculous, yet very entertaining.
  9. Erik Mejia

    Erik Mejia Obsessive Detailer

    Sometimes we all need to realize that there are many people out there who just want to cause trouble and incite conflict. Don't sink to their level, and remember how it feels when others put you down, and when you see it done to others don't hesitate to lend a helping hand.

    Just remember, it's easy to spew crap when your hiding behind your Screen Name and your keyboard. It'd be a different story if we were face to face.
  10. ampbmw

    ampbmw DB Forum Supporter

  11. ampbmw

    ampbmw DB Forum Supporter

    yo, let's settle the whole discussion. How about you prepare 2 cars with the exact same make, model, year, and paint color. both washed ( I prefer meguiar's shampoo plus(OH SNAP DID a DB guy just say he preferred on OTC product?????)), clayed ( I prefer mother's clay (WHAT? DID HE SAY ANOTHER OTC product again???)))), then perform paint correction with Menzerna (My snobby yuppy side comes out now :) ) NOW layer one car with "expensive" wax like Swissvax Concorso, then the other with Turtle Wax Ice. Then take pics and see if we can guess which one is which. If even one DB member thinks the turtle car looks better, we will all (and I speak on DB's behalf) shut up about this topic forever.
  12. FJF

    FJF Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I wish you'd actually read my post. I am not advocating the use of OTC products over boutique offerings. The thread in question dealt solely with OTC products. Let me repeat that so there's no misunderstanding. The discussion referenced by the OP focused only on OTC products for reasons that were described in the text you quoted. To put it another way, we were discussing and recommending OTC products, because that's what the thread is about. Personally, I own LSPs ranging from $.50-$20 per ounce, and I'd be lying if I said that price was directly correlated with quality. FWIW, I wouldn't use Ice on a toilet.

    Edit: Didn't DaveKG already conduct the experiment you suggested?
  13. ampbmw

    ampbmw DB Forum Supporter

    ahah!!!! Yes that's precisely what I was referring to, I just didn't know if you remembered that test on DW.

    If I may jog your memory, I believe Swissvax was the ONLY one that people sayed stood out. :)
  14. FJF

    FJF Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    That's great, but it has zero bearing on my being brought into this discussion. Best of luck to you.
  15. Bunky

    Bunky Guest

    I do not consider Autogeek the Walmart of the detailing world.

    They carry a large number of brands but they sure are not trying to set a low price point to gain market share. They focus more on customer service and being in a lot of places where people go.
  16. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well like I've said before, drama started at another forum should remain at another forum. I've also said, Detailing Bliss is open to the entire world but that doesn't mean Detailing Bliss is meant for the entire world, we all have our own believes, ideas, preferences..ect..ect..all I ask is that wile your in my house you abide by my rules.

    As far as criticism towards Detailing Bliss, well it's just another persons opinion and we are all entitled to our opinions and that's exactly how I view such criticism.

    Having said that I believe this thread is long over due to be closed. If anyone wishes to have it brought back to life please let me know, let me know your reason as to why it should be opened up again and will go from there.
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