I got a 1964 GTO for today and a 1970 GTO Judge for tomorrow (maybe next weekend) but they are booked! The 1964 is a full on road race car, highly modified and simply beautiful! Pictures will follow!
Honestly, I envy your confidence. I've only been at it for 3 years with a few hundred hours of polishing under my belt, and I can't imagine selling my services as a professional. Good luck with the details.
Why not? I only have about 100 hours of polishing under me, and I feel completely confident in my abilities. I mainly use a rotary.
Varying points of reference, I guess. I took the liberty of looking at your other threads and noticed that you've been using a rotary for about 10 weeks. From my POV, that's barely enough time to get acquainted with the machine. It's all a matter of expectations. Best of luck with your business.
It's all about your training. If trained well, one could go on to do other cars right away. Without the right training, you just repeat the same mistakes over and over. Watch the videos on here and make the leap of faith. Go slow, keep your speed down and stay away from edges and behold the beauty of the rotary!! Good for Spyral for taking the plunge and you can too.
Thanks man, that really is exactly what I have done. THe videos, reading every single post on polishing and practice on friends cars..lol. The 64 called and put it off until next weekend, we have a club meeting and car show tonight, so he is taking his already detailed 66 to the show.
Spyral, something tells Me that you will do just fine. The only concern I have now is what will you do with the Money you earn off these jobs.:giggle: