Just wondering if this product is used for all interior cleaning, seats, door panel, dash, etc. Does this product contain anti static properties in it? Just started using this product and liked it and just got a gallon in yesterday. Thanks.:applause2:
I use it for ohhh.... EVERYTHING.... If it is rubber, plastic, or vinyl #40 is my go to.... I like it cleaning ability, and think the finish looks great.
Hit this one on the head. The one thing to remember w/ M40 is to avoid using it on leather or cloth. Also, this product works great on well cleaned tires as a dressing.
I had it on my wifes tires the last wash. Looked great first couple of days, then all the sudden they looked really try and streaky...could not tell you why. I will just stick to my Opti-Bond.
Yea I forgot to add that one, did a Toyota 4 Runner TSS Model, did the engine bar plastic and hoses did a great job..:applause2:
Bringing this topic back up from the dead here. I'm 16, and I'm starting a small detailing business. Not as extensive as a pro detailer of course, and obviously I'll be charging less. Since I don't have a ton of money to start out, I want to use one product for as many uses as I can. Reading about this, it sounds like a very versatile cleaner/dressing product. I just have a couple of questions. How good at cleaning off gunk is it, like from drink spills onto plastic? A lot of the cars I've ridden in have spills like this, and I know I'll also be detailing these cars soon enough. And would it be strong enough to scrub off scuff marks from plastic finishes as well? Is there another product that you would recommend for me to use over this one? Thanks! Clark
This is not something that will clean up something like drink spills, but light cleaning. If you want a cheap cleaner for plastic and all around you want a good APC (all purpose cleaner) Meguiares makes one, buy it by the gallon, ans is pretty cheap. I think it is something around $12/gallon + shipping. If you only looking for stuff you can buy over the counter you want to look into a vinyl cleaner that is a dedicated vinyl cleaner. I over the counter product that you could use has left my mind right now but if i think of it i will post. Hopefully someone can let you know of one. But megs APC is great and can be used for many things and is cheap
I love #40... it has been my go to from day one... until I found 1z cockpit premium... If you like the slightly amped up shiny look #40 is what you want!