CLK 430 Mercedes / Black by dsms...

Discussion in 'Professional Detailer's Studio' started by dsms, Apr 9, 2009.

  1. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter

    Didnt plan on it being a long weekend...


    But things never usually work out as well as we like

    And on with the detail...

    On arrival


    Wheel first



    After high pressure rinsing most all of the surface brake dust and grime came off nicely but the wheel inners were in bad shape


    Used the following:

    Gloss It wheel gel 2:1
    Megs APC+
    Stoners Tarminator
    various brushes

    GI wheel gel sitting (very clingy stuff :headbang:)




    Pulled the CLK inside for claying and inspection, car was consistent at 6-7mils


    The paint was in very bad shape, lots of auto wash damage and deep RIDS. I was on a time schedule and a tight budget so the 3 step process this car NEEDED for 100% paint correction was not able to be performed, I instead settled on a 2 step process which worked extremely well to remove the heavy defects and finish out the paint nicely. Overall I would say 95% correction was achieved, some areas with less defect cleaned up easier and other areas needed some extra attention using 2 hits of M105 w. the wool pad.

    Paint correction process:

    Megs M105 w/ Gloss It baby lambswool cutting pad (5.75" and 4")
    Menz 85rd w/ Gloss It blue finishing pad (5.75 and 4")
    + Gloss It EVP polish extender

    The lambswool pad and M105 did a really nice job on the heavy defects, I polished at about 2400rpm using the EVP w/ M105 and heavy pressure. This combo knocked down the heavy defects but left a lot of hologramming behind (as expected)

    Step 2 of the process was crucial as it was a makeshift middle and finishing polish step using the 85rd. Using the blue GI finishing pad and 85rd w/ EVP I worked it at about 1900rpm for many many passes to knock down the holos and fine swirls then I backed down to about 1500rpm for a few passes to refine the finish a little more and then back down to 1100rpm for straight jeweling with no pressure.
    * 2-3 IPA wipedowns were done with M105 to ensure no filling

    To my surprise that process worked just as I had wanted, the paint cleaned up nicely and a good bit of depth and clarity was restored as well.

    Some correction photos under the Infratech, Fenix TK10 LED, standing halogens and camera flash

    Hood before





    Before w/ camera flash and LED (this mixture of light is really nice to help pick up even the really fine RIDS)




    tried to show the difference in the depth of the black on the left side compared to the right side


    After finishing and another IPA wipedown


    Making my way around the car..


    Had the chance to work outside for a little on day 2, some after polishing shots



    Nerd ear protection? Yep that is in fact me :afro:


    I switched up to the 3" Gloss it BP w/ 4" GI pads for the tighter areas





    It started to get dark so I pulled it back inside to finish the rest of teh correction work,


    tidied up the trunk area


    The trunk area ...




    The largest amount of defect was seen on the passenger side panels, some strange figure 8's design going on here, kinda pretty but it had to go :shrug:




    Some of the hologramming left behind from M105


    After finishing w/ 85rd I took a 50/50 video, excuse the radio play in the background noise

    50/50 Video


    Jeweling video as well



    5.75 inch pad for the larger areas...


    and the 3" BP w/ 4" pads for the smaller ones...


    One last pic with the infratech and standing gens'


    The car had a lot of excess polishing dust so even though I avoid doing this I had to re-wash it to prepare for LSP. I also re-scrubbed the rag top using the RaggTop cleaner and then applied the protectant

    After a PW I took a little beading shot // ALL NATURALE


    Foamed w/ strong mix of CWC, I wont use CWG at this point because it contains the glossing agent which would need to be stripped off right after the wash anyway to prep for LSP


    After the very light wash, no LSP



    I was really running low on time so for LSP I simply used 2 coats of Optimum car wax.

    Some final shots...




    Wheels were hand polished w/ GI evolution polish and a red CCS pad
    Tires dressed with Gloss It signature tire gloss (x1)
    Wells treated with Adams




    All exterior rubber and plastic trim was treated with Gloss It TRV

    The interior was actually pretty well kempt

    Quick porcess

    Folex on carpets
    Gloss It satin leather cleaner
    Gloss It satin leather polish
    TRV on dash
    P+S express interior cleaner on plastics
    Danase wet glaze on wood trim



    Since I had to drive the car back to the owners house for delivery I placed the plastic protective mat on the drivees side (removed it upon deliver and re-brushed the carpets)



    And some last pics








    Thanks for looking

  2. J BELL

    J BELL Nuba Guru

    Always great work here dsms, i love your posts
  3. milabfocker

    milabfocker Jedi Nuba

    Fantastic turnaround! Awesome work as usual.
  4. d00t

    d00t Welcome to Detailing

    Great work Dave!

    Optimum car wax huh? That was a curveball!

    Looking good as always :)
  5. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Awesome job David!
  6. Antone

    Antone Virgin Detailer

    jezzzz...Great Work
  7. bentley147

    bentley147 Jedi Nuba

    i love those clk's those are the best one ,and mercedes benz black are hard to restorate great work though :applause:
  8. kei169

    kei169 Wax on..Wax off

    i love that car! the black looks really glossy and wet!!
  9. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    Looks great Dave... OCW is some great stuff!
  10. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    beautiful! Love that convertible! great job!!!
  11. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    Way to go...It looks great...I really like your work more and more...:thumb:
  12. Nikku

    Nikku Jedi Nuba

    David did you retire your cyclo and makita? :p
  13. mrgolfrider

    mrgolfrider DB Forum Supporter

    I bet the owner was very happy, very good work sir!!
  14. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Awesome work, looks stunning!

    Some of the easiest paint to work with/correct...
  15. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter

    Thank you Piet, cant tell if you were being sarcastic with it being the easiest paint to correct or not. This car was pre "ceramiclear" but it still took a lot of pressure using a wool pad and M105 to work out the defects even at 2000+rpm
  16. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Haha, no, I wasn't being sarcastic. I've work on ceramiclear and non-ceramiclear Mercedes paint and I found the pre-ceramiclear paint a joy to work on. Not too hard, but not too soft either.

  17. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    Looks fantastic dude, nice work. What would you recommend as a must have from the Gloss it line?
  18. Nicely done. I love the way the carpets are adds a nice touch.
  19. forcefedm3

    forcefedm3 Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    love all your work dude!
  20. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter

    What are you looking for exactly? Honestly there are no "bad" products just certain products to me are outstanding, like the tire dressing, leather car stuff and sealants for example.

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