Damn i got a bad case of the rotary wrist! I polish around 1000+hr a year and was wondering if anyone else is feeling the pain? if so have any tips?
You could switch handles (bail, side, or aftermarket) periodically to modify the ergonomics of the polisher and minimize the potential for repetitive stress injuries.
Yeah, which machine? The metabo looks like you would suffer less fatigue, due to it's unique handle placement. I've heard it's also quite a bit lighter than the makita. Of course, you could always buy wrist guards to support your wrists while polishing. Like these: http://www.rei.com/product/744906
That is a bad sign of Carpal Tunnel. And it just doesn't go away by itself in a few days. I'm not a doctor and won't give advice, but you'd be wise to start asking someone in the medical profession. You may end up with what looks like a wrist strap, that will wrap around your forearms and it will have a soft air pillow in it to press on muscles in your forearms. Everyone / thing is different, start to seek help.
Im useing the makita, I also made an appointment with the doc tis in 2 weeks. So i think im gona switch to the side handle or no handle (metaboish style), till then looks like it will be a wrist support or lighter unit for me eeeek. Sure your joking billy surrre haha. tnx all
:nod: I would have to agree with Cyclo in this one. When you start having pain it's usually a sign of something worse to come. The PC buggered up my right wrist and I only used it for a short period of time but it did cause some damage, it was a bit apinfull, so much that at work I had to switch my mouse to the left hand. After that I sold my PC and that's when I purchased my Metabo and things have been good..well so far so good that is. Oh I too made a Dr's appointment and the doc told me that the PC seemed to have accelerated the very early stages of carpal tunnel. Even know if I over use my right hand it'll hurt a bit but the Metabo treats me right so it helps. Wish you the best and keep us posted on what the Dr tells you. Oh by the way if I remember correctly, Paul Dalton was telling me about his surgery(s) due to rotary use as well.
I strained the tendons in my arm moving some stuff around my shop a few months ago and now polishing is so f@#$ing painful. I've got the lightweight Flex on the way so hopefully that'll help.
What about one of those bowling wrist things? Sorry if someone else suggested this already, no time to read.
On a serious note, here's a pic of me from last summer wearing a wrist guard on each hand. They do help.
I got the same problem and I thought it will go away after a few days and simply ignore it. I only head straight to the doctor after a few weeks when the pain was unbearable while washing a car.
Well i went to the docs today and he ran some test and told me its a possible wrist strain, he has issued me a wrist support for now and if the pain continues to make another appointment. im hoping for the best since we are coming into busy season. tnx all for chiming in!
Not that it's a good thing but strains get better in the least amount of time...Just take care...We're here for you...:support:
when i used to lift, i would get a lot of wrist pain from the frequent heavy weights. i was tunred onto this site and this product in particular: IMPROVED! Expand-Your-Hand Bands™-Ironmind Enterprises now i'm no dr but based on my findings and the results my father had with these, they really help. many people neglect the extender muscles of the fore arm and that is the weak link. i used them for wrist strength when pressing above 400 pounds you'll try anything to get an edge