Warning - Warranty Scam

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by Nica, Jan 3, 2009.

  1. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well I received a phone call today from a allegedly Auto warranty company (sorry I don't remember the exact name of the company). It started off with a automated message saying that this was the last notice for me to purchase an extension on my warranty of one of my vehicles. I was intrigued by the phone call and at the end of the recording it says to press number one if you wish to speak to an agent. I did press one, and a gentleman comes on the phone. He starts asking for my name, address, postal code (for you US guys it's the Zip code). Before I gave any of my information I asked the name of the company, not that I really cared just to see the response, I'm a bit paranoid when it comes to giving personal information over the phone. So then I asked them to which vehicle they were phoning me about. The gentleman scrambled a bit and continently said "your last purchased vehicle". Okay fair enough, I thought to my self, but I persisted, I then asked for the make and model of the vehicle they were phoning. The gentleman once again repeated the same thing "your last purchased vehicle" and then started blaming about not having my file and that an agent would be the one that has the file..:bla2: :bla2:

    At that point I told him that I was going to phone my dealership and double check with them. I get on the phone to the dealership and I ask to speak with the manager of the dealership (that's who I normally deal with...long story) I tell the manager of the phone conversation I just had and the manager informs me that this is a scam!

    Apparently, I'm not the only one who has phoned the dealership to confirm this warranty phone call. The manager told me to ignore it and to not give any of my confidential information. The manager also told me something I found a bit shocking, now what the told me he said he wasn't sure if it's true or not but the manager told me that sometimes registry office's sell information to certain company's. Again the manager said he was uncertain of the registry selling information, but I found that a bit disturbing. I mean if you think about it, I could go out start a company phone the registry office say I'm company "X" looking to purchase some information from them for potential customers and that would give me full name, address, phone nubmers..ect..ect...very interesting and very frightening.

    Well I'm going to double check about the registry office selling information, I have a friend who owns a registry office, he's currently out of town but I'm very curious about this.

    Any who, I just thought I'd share...just an FYI
  2. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    Thanks for the heads up there Carlos! I'm sure glad you didn't fall into this trap.
  3. Darkstar752

    Darkstar752 Horizon Detailing

    wow thanks for the info, this happened to me about 2 months ago but I was busy at the time so I got a number to call them back and never did. I'm glad I didn't give out any info since technically it's my parents car and I know nothing about the warranty.
  4. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Apparently this warranty scam is happening in all of North America.

    I'm curious as to where they are getting there information from :shead:
  5. Darkstar752

    Darkstar752 Horizon Detailing

    What information? If they had any, they wouldn't have to ask your name, address, etc. Sounds like they are just calling random numbers to me :shrug:
  6. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well true, but they seemed to have bits and peaces of information. They seemed to know my address but not my postal code. The part that got me curious was when I asked them to give me the make and model of my vehicle, surely if a company phones you about warranty on your vehicle they would have this information.

    I normally don't pay attention to scams to be honest but this time around they messed with cars! That made me mad :catfight: :catfight:

    :flirt: :giggle:
  7. Divine Detail

    Divine Detail DB Pro Supporter

    Wow, good heads up, Carlos.
  8. Marco polo

    Marco polo Birth of a Detailer

    haha good job that my brother =)
  9. rtrt2889

    rtrt2889 Birth of a Detailer

    Thanks for the heads up. :mounty:

    Should have played around...haha.

    Say you just bought a Bugatti Veyron. :gidiup:
  10. J BELL

    J BELL Nuba Guru

    Yeah these bastards actually wont quit calling me...it says to press 2 to be removed, well that doesnt work..then i press 1 to speak with someone and they actually hang up on you if you ask them to take you off...also ive had several missed calls from weird numbers, and you cant call these crooks back..the last time i had a discussion i wouldnt want my mother to hear...i hate stuff like this...leave me alone geez....ok enough griping, i feel better!
  11. kaval

    kaval Two Bucket System Washer

    I've been home for about 3 weeks since exams, and get about 3 calls a week from these idiots. Each time they can never tell me what car it's regarding.

    The other one I hate is when the lady calls and says "We're calling about your current credit card. There are currently no issues, but blah blah blah........" *CLICK*

    Do these companies honestly think these tactics will attract people who feel their personal information is not being respected?
  12. TheJag

    TheJag Birth of a Detailer

    ive gotten this same call several times and was aware of the scam, everytime i pick the phone up i go to an agent and either hit them with the air horn i keep in my car (hehe) or tell them some very rude things and hang up. apparently they didnt get the message the first time... havent heard form them in awhile though
  13. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    No kidding. Thanks, I'll be on the look out for them...:yikes:
  14. richy

    richy Guest

    This scam is going all over Canada and with some success unfortunately. It's been tried here in Windsor too and people fall for it b/c basically most people are pretty frickin stupid! There are 2 threats here: 1) Identity theft and 2) people dumb enough to pay and never receive product. Carlos, you were smart to be suspicious and question them. I never take calls from a telemarketer or the like. If one does get through i just hang up on them. You can't feel bad for hanging up on these people. If I want a product, I'll do the calling, thank you very much. Bottom line is to play hard ball with them.
    You need to give them the motivation to quit calling. I would tell the guy I'm on the way over to F*ck his mother and then sodomize him with a baseball bat! See how many times these cowards want to call.

    Their tactics have been working; why do you think it's so rampant? You never get a chance to speak to someone face to face that wants to rip you off...there's your chance to let 'em have it!
  15. racersky

    racersky Jedi Nuba

    I have that problem too with my car and the lady was telling me it's not too late to get extended warranty on your vehicle and so I stated so what is my vehicle? She was like your suppose to tell me that LOL
  16. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    yes, it is. I receive those calls once it a while...I'm so sick of them, that I told them even if they suck and lick, and give me a discount, I'm still not getting it from them! Yes, I'm that bad, I curse telemarketers, because they deserve it!
  17. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    This is awesome, DUDE! With a baseball bat, NO LUBE!!!:yikes:
  18. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    These people have been calling me about once a week since I purchased my truck in 2004. It's unreal, I have bitched them out so many times but they keep calling me. Next time, I'm just going to mess with their heads. I mean, my truck has 65K on it at this point, are you still going to sell me a warranty? And every single time it's THE LAST CHANCE TO EXTEND MY FACTORY WARRANTY. Unbelievable...
  19. TexasTB

    TexasTB Obsessive Detailer

    Yea, I get the calls all the time, as well as postcards in the mail. They proceed to tell me that the factory warranty on my 1991 GMC Sonoma is about to expire. LOL

    When I get the postcards in the mail, I simply call them. Ask them what type of vehicle I have, in which they usually have no clue and end up hanging up on me.

    Or the other scam.... You need to claim your free prize. Either a new BMW, Porsche, Exotic trip, or $50,000 cash. I just give them a ring too and ask if they can just ship me my new car. Again, they usually hang up on me.
  20. cupcakez

    cupcakez Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    yup they even send postcards, if its a 8xx number or unknown i usually don't pick it up.

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