Hi, I had trouble trying to clean some tight spot of a Merc E200 today. Used TFR, Ag tar remover and Ag paint renovator with a Mf cloth wrip around my finger nails and dig it. Only paint renovator is able to get ride of the dirt but i got to rub it so hard till my fingernails get pretty hurts. I am wondering why the stain is so hard to remove and is there any tips and easier way to dig out the stain? Some pics of the stain.
I have a Benz with some tight spots and all I do prior to washing is spray some diluted car wash or apc to the trim pieces and let it dwell for a few minutes then use a SV brush to agitate.
As above. Presoak with your cleaner of choice and rub, don't scrub the area with a rush such as Swisswax or Megs Slide Lock. I find that, although toothbrushes are great for some things, they will mar paint quite easily.
Hmmm, You guys got me thinking now. Would a pressure washer be the answer to removing the presoak? Without marring the paint...I always thought that the SwissVax Brush was O-Kay for paint...O-Boy...:shrug:
I start off by using a toothbrush but after trying with apc, tar remover and paint renovator, the stain is just too tough to come off. The toothbrush I used is also too soft and i end up breaking it. Anything harder just makes me think i will scratch it. Anybody tried steam cleaning before? What is Presoak and BHB?
Well if it is a stain, and the clear coat is stained, try using a polish I guess. That is if it isn't just surface contamination.
Hi dschia, A presoak would be any paint safe cleaner (In this case) that you would apply a let sit for a few seconds or a few minutes. Before rinsing or scrubing. This would also carry over to anything you wanted to clean. Engines, Tires, Or anything you can think of. It just makes thing alot easier to clean when the cleaner has time to work. It's a lot more fun watching the cleaner work than you working the cleaner. This also gives you the chance to go to another area of the car and start cleaning. To be able to save time. I hope this helped...:thumb:
The Swisswax brush is ok as its boars hair. There aren't many brushes softer than it other than sable. If that doesn't shift it, see below. This would be my next attempt. Some polish on a MF BY HAND. There is very little paint on mouldings so a polisher is out of the question here.
Thanks 911, The answer was so simple that I don't know If I could have thought of It. MF by hand. I'll never forget this one.:thumb:
Use a solvent and a Q-tip. Spray the solvent and allow to dwell, then with a solvent soaked Q-tip remove the stain-may need more than one application...